Quali Day

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That night Y/n couldn't sleep peacefully. Seeing Damon again face to face affected her more than she had ever expected.
She started to feel his touch again, his weight on her.

Y/n: NO!
Pierre: Hey, hey it's okay. Shhhh. You're safe.
Y/n: Get Off!
Pierre: It's me, its Pierre.
Y/n: Pierre?
Pierre: I'm right here.
Y/n: Sorry... I guess, just se-
Pierre: -You don't have to explain. You never have to explain your fear to me.
Y/n: Thank you.
Pierre: Come here. Try get some sleep.

Y/n went back into Pierre's arms and fell asleep once again; managing to sleep through till the morning.

When Pierre's alarm sounded the two of them got up and ready before heading to breakfast.
Y/n kept trying to see Charles but he was nowhere to be seen. Her searching was stopped when Pierre spoke up:

Pierre: Um, Y/n? Everything okay?
Y/n: Yeah, sorry. I was looking for Charles. Anyway... Pierre, are we going to talk about the last night?
Pierre: I didn't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry... it was a mis-
he stopped himself
Pierre: Actually no. It wasn't a mistake. I don't know when, or how, or even why, but I really like you Y/n. There's something about you and I can't pretend to just be okay that you're just a friend anymore...
Y/n: Pierre... That's exactly how I feel!
Pierre: Really?
Y/n: Yes. But could we wait before we do anything until I've spoken with Charles? I have to sort one thing out at a time.
Pierre: Of course...

Eventually they had arrived at the track and Y/n went straight to the Ferrari motorhome, getting in was easy but finding Charles wasn't.

Y/n: Charles?
Carlos: Hey Y/n. He's in his room.
Y/n: Thanks Carlos. Good luck today, with qualifying and all.

Y/n headed to his room and knocked on his door.
Y/n: Charles, you in there?
Y/n: Charles please open. I just want to talk. I need to.
Charles: Maybe some other time. I've got to get ready for practice and qualifying.
Y/n: Oh, okay... then meet me in the hospitality area after quali please.

Y/n walked away after this and was hurt that Charles had shut her out so easily but felt as though she deserved it.

After practice she headed to sit on the bench just by the Alpha Tauri motorhome.

?: Y/n right? Why you all alone? Where's Pierre or a Leclerc?
Y/n: Busy with preparations and meetings.

She looked up and saw a familiar face but the person was a stranger to her.

George: I'm George. Russel.
Y/n: I know you. I mean I know OF you.
George: haha, I figured. But seriously everything okay?
Y/n: Needed a bit of space. But shouldn't you be busy before quali?
George: Nah, we've already had our meetings. Mind if I sit?
Y/n: Not at all.
George: So, Y/n, it's cool you're here. What do you think of Silverstone?
Y/n: It's beautiful, it's no Spa, but it's awesome here.

Pierre: Mind if I interrupt?
Y/n: Hey Pierre!
George: Sup mate, good to see you.
Pierre: Same. What you two doing here?
Y/n: I just wanted a change of scenery from the garage and George here was keeping me company.
Pierre: Well I hate to stop the fun but, Y/n, qualifying is soon and Max wanted to know if you wanted to sit through Q1 in Red Bull?
Y/n: What?! I'd love to! Let's go! Bye George, good luck out there.
George: See you Y/n.

Y/n walked excitedly towards the Red Bull garage with Pierre just in time for qualifying. As Y/n approached Max, Pierre kissed her cheek without thinking and ran off to his garage.

Max: Took you long enough
Y/n: haha; don't be rude, it's like opposite ends of the pit lane and I'm no athlete.
Max: So what was all that about?
Y/n: What?
Max: Pierre kissing your cheek
Y/n: Oh, um, it's nothing; he's just excited for qualifying.
Max: I'm not buying it. What's really going on between you two?
Y/n: You are so nosy Max. Just go to your car.
Y/n started walking off towards one of the chairs by the screens.
Max: We're not done this conversation!
Y/n: Whatever!

Qualifying was off to a great start and Y/n had changed between the Alpha Tauri and Red Bull garages for each session until she found herself back at Pierre's side for Q3. It had gone extremely well and Charles qualified on Pole with Max alongside. Pierre had gotten P5.

Y/n: You'll get 'em tomorrow Gasly!
Pierre: Thanks Summers, don't you have a meeting with Charles?
Y/n: Yes so I gotta run!

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