The Little Things

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Y/n was making her way through the paddock after practice when a familiar voice stopped her.

Lando: So it's true! You're back!

Y/n ran and hugged him tightly.

Y/n: I'm back and I intend on staying! I missed you Lando.
Lando: I missed you too. I'm still so offended you left but I'll get over myself.
Y/n: You have a right to be. I did just leave and then ignore you.
Lando: So uh, where'd you go?
Y/n: Well I went to Belgium.
Lando: To your parents?
Y/n: No no. I wouldn't go back to them even if it was the last safe place on Earth. I stayed at- actually it doesn't matter. I was safe and now I'm here.
Lando: That's all that matters. Have you seen anyone other than Pierre?
Y/n: Charles and Charlotte at the hotel. I've also seen Max and Danny.
Lando: So you didn't bother to phone me? Wow...
Y/n: I'm sorry, I was planning on seeing all you guys but I'm only one person-
Lando: -I'm kidding Y/n! I just heard a lot of talk that you were in Pierre's garage today and figured you must've only just arrived and hopefully spoke things out with him?
Y/n: We spoke before FP2 and-

- "Hey guys, we're just going for dinner. Wanna join?"

Y/n: Sure! I've missed the group dinners.
Charles: Then I'm glad. Let's go.
Pierre: Y/n can ride with me. If you'd like of course?
Y/n: I would love to.

Pierre smiled at her and approached her. She wrapped her arms around her and kissed him softly before whispering quietly to him.

Y/n: Well done on your pace today.
Pierre: Thanks

Lando: Ahem! I've never been so happy to see a PDA given that it's you two back together but I'm starving.
Y/n: Okay haha. Let's go

After dinner that night Y/n joined Pierre in the hotel. As she stood by the window she realized how smoothly today went. Sure things weren't entirely perfect still as haters still loomed but she didn't care anymore. Soon enough she heard the bathroom door open and two hands rested on her shoulders.

Pierre: What you thinking about?
Y/n: How much I missed this.
Pierre: This?
Y/n: The little things like me waiting for you to finish for bed so we can cuddle up and watch a movie on the laptop. Your arms suddenly embracing me... the smell of your cologne in the air of our room... The little things.
Pierre: If only you knew how much I missed coming out and seeing you waiting for me, or waking up and seeing you... I'm really sorry again for everything.
Y/n: You don't need to apologize. I do.
Pierre: You have already. Shall we go to bed?
Y/n: I'll be there in a moment.

Pierre walked off leaving Y/n at the window. She felt her phone vibrate and checked to see who it was:

Glad to see you safe in Austin. Everything fine with Pierre?

Yeah , everything is perfect.

I take it he doesn't know where you stayed in Belgium...

No Luca and it will stay that way. I really needed a place to crash and if he knew he'd literally never trust my judgement again.

Okay. Well stay safe.

She read the last message and switched off her phone. She then made her way to Pierre's side. Quietly she climbed in next to him thinking he was asleep but she quickly felt two arms wrap around her pulling her close.

Pierre: Chérie? Where did you go?
Y/n: A hotel in Belgium... Iy was the first place I thought to go to. The last place you guys would've looked knowing that my parents are there.
Pierre: You were safe?
Y/n: I was.
Pierre: Okay.
Y/n: Im sorry I caused your race pace to drop... you tried so hard.
Pierre: You watched the race while you were away?
Y/n: I did... we were broken up but you still had my heart. Needless I say my 'brother' raves too.
Pierre: I told you you're more than just a girlfriend to me... you really are my everything. Even making morning coffee became a difficulty... nothing was the same, for any of us.
Y/n: Oh?
Pierre: Charles couldn't concentrate on anything. He just worried about you. Max fought a lot more with people. Danny smiled less and Lando didn't joke as much. Even George stopped making appearances around the Paddock.
Y/n: I really screwed up...
Pierre: No no, we all did. We should've helped more but it's done now Chérie. We move forward together.
Y/n: You're right love. I'll stop worrying. Say uh, is George in this hotel too?
Pierre: Yeah. I'll show you where in the morning. Goodnight ma Chérie, I love you with every star in the sky.
Y/n: Night my love. I love you too...

Sorry for the wait (and the shorter part I just didn't want to keep you guys waiting any longer), but thank you so much for the patience. I really appreciate it. I'm home now so I can start posting more regularly.

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