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Charles: Hey Y/n...
Y/n: Hi...

Charles sat down next to her and took a breath.

Charles: Will you believe me if I said it wasn't what it looked like?
Y/n: I don't know... he has been so set on staying in Milan. And I haven't heard from him as much as I thought I would. We barely have spoken about what happened between us.
Charles: Would you come in and speak to him? He wants to talk you.
Y/n: I'd rather not. I just want some time.
Charles: Okay. Well at least come in then. We can put on a movie.
Y/n: Alright.

They went inside and Arthur chose a movie. Charles disappeared on the phone for a bit but returned soon enough. Y/n had fallen asleep on the couch and so he carried her to her room. It wasn't long before the guys also went to bed.


Y/n spent most of the next day in her room and only came out once every while. She ignored most of Pierre's call all day but his persistence got her thinking about what Charles said yesterday and she decided to call back.

Pierre: Y/n! You're alive.
Y/n: Hi Pierre.
Pierre: Listen, I'm not avoiding you in Milan. It's an old photo with an ex from way before we even met. Someone clearly dug it up. I really did have work here. Please, I'm so sorry I haven't spoken much. There's nothing going on.
Pierre: Y/n?
Y/n: I don't care about the post Pierre but after everything you know I needed you. If there's someone... then, then good for you... I'll forget the kiss; maybe it was a mistake. But lying is low. I trusted you.
Pierre: I'm not lying Y/n, somebody is clearly trying to start something. There's nobody. And it wasn't a mistake Y/n.
Y/n: But- wait... what did you say? About the post.
Pierre: It's a rumor, somebody is setting this up.
Y/n: Can I call you back? I just need to do something.

She ended the call before he could answer and searched for an unsaved number in her phone. She pressed 'call' and it answered without even ringing.

Luca: Y/n?
Y/n: What you playing at Luca?
Luca: What do you mean?
Y/n: The post. Another sick idea of yours to hurt me? I don't care if you torment me anymore but DON'T bring my friends into this game of yours! It won't end well. They don't have to get hurt because of our history. Pierre is a public figure, a lot more than my feelings are at stake with things like that!
Luca: Y/n, I don't know what post you're talking about.
Y/n: Bullshit! Remove it! You don't think growing up with Formula 1 I know all the news pages? This one was new. It has to be you.
Luca: Hang on. Damon! Come here!
Y/n: I'm not speaking to that asshole. I don't care which of you did it, just take it down!
Damon: Hey Y/n.

Y/n froze at his voice but the anger took over.

Y/n: Take. The. Post. Down. Now!
Damon: So you figured it out? I hoped you'd come back to us in heartbreak.
Y/n: As if. Just take it down.
Damon: For what? What do I gain?
Y/n: You can play your games with me if you must, but stirring up drama with my friends is NOT okay! You don't deserve anything! Please. Take. It. Down.
There was a brief moment of silence before Y/n heard Luca in the background.
Luca: Just take the damn post down Damon.

Y/n was shocked to hear this, not knowing why Luca was on her side.

Damon: Whatever. I'll remove it Y/n.
Y/n: Thank you. Put Luca on.
Luca: It's just me now.
Y/n: Why did you do that? I thought you were going to stop telling Damon to back off?
Luca: I was but hearing the concern for those guys in your voice and I guess seeing your pictures on social media made me realize that- that you're not just trying to show you're better off without me but that you actually are and it's not an act. So I'm sorry for everything Y/n.
Y/n: I- thank you Luca...
Luca: I'm gonna go. This is my number, you have it now, but I'm going to let you live... See you Y/n. Again I'm so sorry, I hope that gives you what you need.
Y/n: Thank you. Bye Luca.

Charles had come looking for Y/n after hearing the yelling had stopped.

Charles: I heard yelling... everything okay?
Y/n: The post, it was Damon. He's taking it down though; Luca told him to.
Charles: Oh, Luca said so? So you're okay?
Y/n: I actually am. Luca and Damon have no more control over me... I feel a bit free after that call now. I have closure, Luca apologized... But I really have to call Pierre back now.
Charles: That's great news Y/n! And I'll leave you to it.

Once he left Y/n phoned Pierre back.

Y/n: I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have blamed you. It was Damon, the post will be removed shortly.
Pierre: It's okay. I should apologize for kind of ghosting you. I just had a lot of things to sort out...
Y/n: It's okay. I'm still sorry for ignoring you all day. And I didn't even say thank you for the hoodie...
Pierre: That's not necessary, I just wanted you to have it; it was one the the best nights ever. Also I don't blame you... if somebody I just kissed went off without an explanation and I saw that I would be mad too.
Y/n: Haha yeah... so I'm just somebody you kissed?
Pierre: Well, truthfully, somebody I lo- liked... a lot.
Y/n: Aw Pierre, I like you too. A lot. Anyway, I'm going to get to bed then... it's been a long day... see you in Austria. Missing you.
Pierre: Missing you more.

They ended the call and Y/n went to sleep, thankful that was sorted out and she still had Pierre. She only hopes these last few days would go by quickly so she can get to Austria.

Just Friends // Pierre Gasly Where stories live. Discover now