[Not So] Happy Birthday

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Charles: Y/n!! Hurry up!
Y/n: I'm coming! Relax yourself!
Arthur: We're leaving in 3! 2!
Y/n: I'm here! I'm here. Jeez, you guys could've just met me at the restaurant you know?
Charles: Yeah but that would've been ages of waiting with nobody rushing you.
Y/n: Shut up, I wasn't THAT slow.
Arthur: Not at all. *He winked in Charles' direction*

Tonight was Y/n's birthday... every year on her birthday she and Jules went to a small restaurant overlooking the harbor and Charles and Arthur made sure to stick to tradition.

They headed out, y/n in her favorite dress she wore all the time:

The three of them walked down to the restaurant as it wasn't far at all

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The three of them walked down to the restaurant as it wasn't far at all. Once they got there they immediately ordered cocktails and got to chatting.

Charles: So y/n...
*he looked at Arthur for reassurance before returning his attention back to Y/n*
C: Spa is this weekend... both of us are racing... what do say you come?
Y/n: Charles-
Arthur: We know you don't care much for it anymore but it would be awesome if you came. Plus we don't want you here all alone again... what if you need us.
Y/n: I'm a grown lady, if I need help I can call Lorenzo. Luca is also back in town.
Charles: Luca? You'll call him? Y/n, are you sure he's the best option?
Y/n: He is my boyfriend Charles, he will help me if I need him.
Arthur: If I may? Luca hasn't been around for at least a month now... what makes you so sure he won't disappear again?
Y/n: He didn't disappear. He went to see his friends in Spain.

Charles and Arthur just looked at each other and changed the subject, getting full understanding nothing will make Y/n come to Belgium with them.

Later that night, after dinner, the three of them went back to their apartment and Y/n went straight to her room without saying much. Charles started to follow before he felt an arm hold him back.

Arthur: I think you should give her a minute bro.
Charles: Yeah- yeah you're right. I'm just worried about her, she used to be so excited about races... she seems to have lost a lot of her passions.
Arthur: Yeah, but it'll take time. Maybe Monaco will get her excited. She did always love that race.
Charles: So we wait until next week then. Anyway, goodnight. I'll go check on her then head to bed.
Arthur: Night.

Y/n was lying on her bed scrolling through all the birthday messages. Seeing not one from someone she actually cared about, not even Luca. Just then a notification popped up from Snapchat:

*Memory on this day...*

Caption:  He makes my birthday the best! Julie, you the best! >> 🏎❤️

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Caption:  He makes my birthday the best! Julie, you the best! >> 🏎❤️

Y/n smiled at the picture and a tear fell down her cheek. "Oh Jules, you were such a special soul."

*There was a soft know at the door*

Charles: Hey, can I come in?
Y/n: Yeah
C: I wanted to give you something
Y/n: Oh?

He handed her a small box, she opened it to reveal a necklace with a flower on it. A sunflower to be exact.

Y/n: Oh it's beautiful!! Thank you Charles!
C: You're welcome. Now seriously, can you please tell me you're okay alone here this weekend?
Y/n: Yes, I'll be fine.
C: Okay, goodnight then... love ya
Y/n: Love ya too...

Once she was alone again she switched her phone off and went to bed.

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