Race Day

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Sunday arrived sooner than Y/n had expected but she still got up and got dressed, grabbing her Ferrari cap as she left her room:

Sunday arrived sooner than Y/n had expected but she still got up and got dressed, grabbing her Ferrari cap as she left her room:

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She headed to the kitchen and saw the guys in their team wear around the table.

Charles: Y/n? We expected you to sleep in.
Arthur noticed the hat in her hand...
Arthur: The hat... Y/n, does that mean?
Y/n: Yeah, I'm going to come to the Grand Prix.
Charles: Really?! That's amazing! I'm happy to see you taking this step.
Y/n: It's time I tried... besides, garages are better with friends in,  aren't they Pierre?
Pierre: Hell yeah they are. I'm glad you're wanting to come.
Charles: Some of the team will be happy to see you.
Y/n: Yeah?
Charles: Of course! I mean you were very present when they were scouting Jules.
Y/n: Yeah, you're right. Okay, before I change my mind, let's go.

They headed down to the Paddock and Y/n followed Charles into the Ferrari motor home. She'd go to Pierre before the race started.

Team member: Morning Charles, ready for your home race?
Charles: Yip. This is-
Team member: Y/n?! Of course I know her. Amazing to see you here.
Y/n: Thanks...

Carlos: Mate? Have you- oh sorry, I'm Carlos. You are?
Y/n: Y/n. Y/n Summers.
Charles: She's who I was telling you about.
Carlos: Ah! The famous Y/n has a face. Lovely to meet you.
Y/n: Nice to meet you too.
Charles: See ya mate, I just wanna show her around a bit.
Carlos: Cool, see you.

Charles and Y/n walked down the Paddock before he was stopped by Max.
Max: Hey mate, big day. Ready?
Charles: As I'll ever be. Max, Y/n. Y/n, Max.
Y/n: Nice to meet you.
Max: I recognize your name. Met before?
Charles: No. This is the Y/n that lives with Arthur and I.
Max: Oh! That's how I know your name, you're spoken about a LOT by the Leclercs.
Y/n: Haha am I? Good to know.
Charles: Max doesn't know what he's talking about, let's go.
Max: Haha suureee mate. See you around Y/n.

They eventually got to the Alpha Tauri garage and Y/n went in to find Pierre who was already getting into the car.
Being up close to the cars again felt surreal. As she saw him climb in she remembered all the times Jules let her sit in the car and listen in on the radio...
Suddenly she started feeling nervous about being here. There was an overwhelming sensation of memories echoing in every direction.

She tried to shut it out and focus on the race. Charles was doing so well. Suddenly she saw a blue car crash out. Everything from the race came flooding back. She couldn't breath and ran out the back of the garage.
She started crying and left to go straight home. She had gotten disoriented and ended up getting lost. She eventually stopped by a building and ran to sit behind it against the wall. Her head hung in her hands and she just sat crying. She really wanted this to go well, for everyone. She wanted to be able to do this, but she couldn't.

After the race finished Pierre went back to the garage which didn't have Y/n in. She had said she'll wait here for him...

Pierre: Where's Y/n?
Pyry: She just ran out after Albon crashed out. We didn't see which way she went.
Pierre: After the crash? What happened?
Pyry: We just saw her leave, sorry mate.
Pierre: Shit, okay I'll go find her.

Pierre immediately went to the Ferrari motor home to find Charles.
- Mr Gasly, you can't come in.
Pierre: I need to speak to Charles then. Tell him it's important. Like really important.

Charles' POV
I was sitting in the motor home when I heard Pierre's voice so I decided to go see what was wrong.

- Mr Gasly, you can't come in.
Pierre: I need to speak to Charles then. Tell him it's important. Like really important.

As I got to the door I noticed Pierre looked unusually worried. He was alone as well... no Y/n. I immediately began to feel my heart rate go up.
Charles: What's wrong?
Pierre: It's Y/n. She's gone.

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