Staying Close

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- Y/n right? Why are you here?

Y/n: Huh? I oh- Alex?
Alex: Yeah. Where's Charles? Or Pierre?
Y/n: Restaurant and Milan...

Y/n could only get a few words out at a time.

Alex: Oh, I didn't realize he went back. Can I take you to Charles? If you're here I presume they're worried about you.

Charles POV
I looked over to where Y/n was standing and noticed she was gone. Scanning the restaurant I hoped to see her heading in our direction but she was nowhere.

Charles: Guys, did any of you see where Y/n went?
Arthur: Wasn't she taking the call outside?
Charles: She was. But she's not there anymore. I can't see her anywhere.
Lorenzo: Maybe she went to the bathroom?
Charles: It's not like her to just leave. Shit! We need to find her.
Arthur: Relax mate. We'll see her eventually. I'm sure she's okay. She can take care of herself.
Charles: You don't understand... she can't be alone in the streets right now.
Lorenzo: Isn't that her there?

Charles looked outside again and noticed Alex walking with a girl in the direction of the door.

Charles: Thank god it is.

Charles got up and when he reached her he hugged her tightly.

Charles: Why'd you just walk off? You had me worried...
Y/n: I'm okay now Charles. I'll explain later. Alex helped me.
Charles: Thanks Alex. You were clearly at the right place at the right time.
Alex: Don't stress. See you guys around. Try not wonder off again Y/n.
Y/n: Haha I won't.

End Charles POV

Arthur: Ah, you decided to return.
Y/n: Sorry guys. I had to do something.
Lorenzo: Don't worry. It was just Charles that went from zero to 100 in panic in a second.
Y/n: Haha, so sweet.
She ruffled his hair.
Charles: I think we best get home then. Before Y/n pulls any other disappearing acts off.

They all headed home, Lorenzo going his own way. As they walked Charles spoke quietly to Y/n.

Charles: You gonna tell me where you went? Or who called?
Y/n: It was Luca. He wanted to talk and begged I come to him. So I did, I don't know why-
Charles: -Well are you okay? Not hurt?

Y/n: I'm good. Not hurt. Just he said something that worried me. He told me that it was a pity I spoke up and told Pierre about Damon. He told me to 'enjoy the week in Monaco' and that because I spoke up he won't tell Damon to back off. Charles I'm scared he does something not to me but Pierre... or you if he finds out you know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-

Charles: Y/n. You're spiraling. Don't worry, this week will be better than you think and nobody will get near enough to any of us that we won't see coming. You forget our reactions and levels of alertness are next level.
Y/n: Haha, yeah you're right. My super humans.
Charles: Now let's enjoy the week break.
Y/n: Sounds like a plan. What do you say Arthur?!
Arthur: So now you speak to me. I've been on my phone loosely following for ages without acknowledgement.
Y/n: Aww, feeling excluded are you?
Arthur: As if. I had other things to plan.
Y/n: Oh? Something important?
Arthur: Of sorts.
Charles: No need to be nosy now Y/n. Why not go ahead and open the door for us.
Y/n: Whateverrrr

Charles: Well? Are we sorted?
Arthur: Three days time
Charles: Awesome. For now... we stay close to her.
Arthur: As usual.
Charles: No, more than ever. Trust me, she needs us. Remember the airport?
Arthur: Yeah?
Charles: She threatened going to Nice. She's scared here... you should just know that what happened the weekend of Spa is more serious than we think.
Arthur: Oh... well even though there's no Pierre, she has us at least.
Charles: Yeah... oh that reminds me! Please stay with her. I need to go fetch something.
Arthur: Sure thing.

Charles walked off and Arthur joined Y/n inside. She had already put her sweats on and was typing on her phone like crazy.

Arthur: Woah, someone has a say to say.
Y/n: Oh, it's Pierre. I'm just letting him know some things.
Arthur: Well when you're done, wanna race in the sims?
Y/n: Uh, yeah! Ready to lose again?
Arthur: I lost once! You're not getting me again.
Y/n: Suureee. Let the best racer win.
Arthur: I will! You're not even a professional.
Y/n: Oh nice try. I forgot you're at F1 level... oh wait, that's your brother.
Arthur: Ooh good one! But you're all talk, let's go.
Y/n: It's on.

She got up and ran over to the Simulator and sat down waiting for Arthur to set it up and they got racing.

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