"...Perfect Imperfections"

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Charles: Y/n! Wake up!
Y/n: Wtf Charles?! It's 8 am!
Charles: Sorry but Arthur and I wanted to take you somewhere later. You need to be ready.
Y/n: Fine. What's the ideal outfit?

Charles went to Y/n's cupboard and pulled out a couple items.

Charles: Here, put this on.
Y/n: So you're not telling me where we're going?
Charles: Nope. Get ready, I'll see you soon. Gotta run an errand.
Y/n: Okayy.

Y/n forced herself out of bed and went straight to the kitchen for coffee.

Arthur: Morning
Y/n: Good Morning
Arthur: I presume Charles told you were going out?
Y/n: Yeah; I'm gonna get ready soon. When are we leaving?
Arthur: In like 30-40 minutes.
Y/n: What? Thanks for giving me a heads up! I have to go get ready!

She ran back to her room and did her morning routine. She pulled on the outfit Charles chose and did her hair and makeup in a more minimalist manner.

The outfit:

She went back down to join Arthur and sat to wait for Charles but Arthur didn't seem to want to

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She went back down to join Arthur and sat to wait for Charles but Arthur didn't seem to want to.

Arthur: So Charles will meet us there. He got held up and said we must go ahead.
Y/n: Oh, okay.

Arthur drove them to one of Monaco's more secluded gardens. A small picnic was set up which Y/n noticed immediately.

Y/n: Aw cute! You guys are adorable! Why'd you do this?
Arthur: Well... actually-
- "It wasn't them..."

Y/n turned around and her face lit up.

Y/n: PIERRE!!!?

She ran and jumped into his arms. Pierre held her tight and gave her a little lift and spin.

Y/n: What are you doing here? What about work?
Pierre: I only needed to work Monday to Wednesday. I knew you'd find it hard here and I wanted to come back. It didn't take much convincing when Charles and Arthur phoned me explaining you almost went to your dad. I knew then you really did need me.
Y/n: You're so amazing! And Charles and Arthur? You two suck for not telling me!
Charles: We swore it would be a secret.
Y/n: When did you even plan this?
Charles: Remember when Arthur and I disappeared for a bit? Well here's actually what happened...


Charles: Well we're all okay. However, Arthur can I talk?
Arthur: Sure, let's go to my room.
Charles: Okay so I can't explain fully why, but Y/n needs Pierre right now. I know we've been joking for a while but she told me she loves him. He's what got her old spark back so I think we should bring him here the weekend before we leave for Austria.
Arthur: I love that idea. And I cannot believe she's in love.
Charles: Right? It's awesome. So let's arrange it? For the Friday?
Arthur: Yip.


Arthur: So now you speak to me. I've been on my phone loosely following for ages without acknowledgement.

- Arthur's phone: -

She doesn't know?

Not at all

I cannot wait! She's gonna love this!

She is. So Friday hey?

Yeah! Perfect.


...Charles disappeared on his phone for a while...

Charles: Hey mate. So she definitely doesn't want to speak right now. Either way I think you must still come Friday.
Pierre: Are you sure?
Charles: Show her you really care.
Pierre: Okay, thanks man. I appreciate it...

End Flashbacks

Y/n: No way?! You guys are the best anyone can ask for.
Charles: Only the best for you. We want you to be happy. Now we're leaving so you can enjoy the date!

The guys left and it was just her and Pierre. The two of them sat down on the blanket and Y/n rested her head on his shoulder.

Pierre: I missed this. Even though it wasn't long. I missed just us two being together.
Y/n: Me too... I couldn't get you out of my mind.
Pierre: Yeah?
Y/n: Yeah. You know Pierre... I'm sorry for not knowing what I want to do. I'm sorry for having make you wait...
Pierre: You had a lot on your mind, I wouldn't want that to worsen. For you Y/n, what does a wait matter?
Y/n: You're so perfect... too perfect.
Pierre: What's that supposed to mean?
Y/n: Pierre... I have a lot of baggage. I'm kind of a mess half the time and I don't always know what I want. I wouldn't want you to get hurt...
Pierre: You're not a mess Y/n. And everyone has their problems.
Y/n: But Pierre, mine can get the better of me sometimes. I freak out and run away half the time... You're too good fo-
Pierre: No! Stop right there Y/n Summers! I don't care about your baggage, or your mess, or your problems! And when you run away I will always run after you because I love you and I want to be with you and all your perfect imperfections!

Y/n sat up in front of him. Pierre had soon realized what he had said but there was no ways he was going to take anything back.

Y/n: Pierre... Did you just-?
Pierre: -I'm not taking it back. I love you Y/n. And I'm in love with you.
Y/n: I'm so in love with you you have no idea!

Pierre put his hand to her cheek and pulled her in kissing her. It felt like Y/n had waited a lifetime for this moment. She had really found her match, her person. She had everything she needed.

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