Good for Each Other

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The next day had gone by agonizingly slow for Pierre. All afternoon he had to keep from saying anything to the whispers he heard about Y/n. He also kept media duties to a minimum that day and was only relieved when he arrived to the hotel room to find Y/n looking happy and unbothered.

Y/n: Bad day?
Pierre: Better now.
He walked over to Y/n and held her tight as she returned the hug.
Pierre: I'm going to freshen up. Tomorrow evening by the way we're all meeting in Max's room for a games night.
Y/n: Sounds fun! I'll be out here.

He disappeared into the bathroom and Y/n sat on the chair and opened Instagram. She had received a lot of hate since Abbie's video and since the tweets went viral. Nothing she hadn't heard before but these days it got a lot harder to ignore the more specific ones she got tagged in.

I believe Abbie. It was no coincidence @Just_Y/n met Pierre and was suddenly interested in the sport again after disappearing for God knows what reason after Jules.

"Y/n Summers: Danger to the drivers." Read the full article... her intentions with them [the drivers] are DISGUSTING!

I know @Just_Y/n lives off of the Leclerc's but I can't understand how they support someone who was probably the reason their good friend isn't able to be with them anymore.

She stared at that last one. For the first time she was publicly blamed for Jules by the fans. That brought tears to her eyes but she suppressed it and cleared all the notifications. She put her phone down and wiped the stray tear off her cheek, just then Pierre walked out.

Pierre: You alright?
Y/n: Just tired. I think I'm going to go to bed.
Pierre: Alright. I love you.
Y/n: Love you too.

She gave him a gentle kiss and went to the bed, falling asleep pretty quickly. Pierre joined her and the stayed close all night.
The next morning Y/n had told Pierre as he was leaving that she felt sick and wanted to stay in the room today out of the heat. She saw his disappointment but the last thing she wanted was to be swarmed by angry fans. She knew dating Pierre would bring hate but this was becoming particularly difficult to handle now... I need it to stop...

She sat watching Netflix on her laptop as her phone chimed on the nightstand.

Maxi V🦁
Heard you're feeling sick. Be better by games night so I don't feel bad beating a sick women!

Always so caring xx

You know it 😌 see you tonight, feel better! xx

She returned to the movie ignoring all the questions fans were asking regarding Pierre's solo arrival to the circuit. After FP1 Charles had phoned to check on her and was pretty adamant she stayed in his room.

Y/n: I told you I'm fine. Don't worry. I'll see you at Max's tonight.
Charles: Okay, well I know when you're not always on top of the world you liked to stay close. So my door is always open.
Y/n: Thank you...

Just as she locked her phone a memory came up. It brought tears to her eyes but as always she posted it.


Missing you a little extra today

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Missing you a little extra today... wish you were here Jules❤️‍🩹

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She got up and begun getting ready for the games night. Throwing on sweatpants and Pierre's hoodie she waited for the guys to come back. Once Pierre had arrived and changed they went to Max's room. Charles ran up to hug Y/n.

Y/n: Haha, I wasn't dying! I just felt sick!
Charles: Still! It's been ages! I missed you so much.
Y/n: I missed you too Charles. May I breathe now?
Charles: Sorry, let's sit. You're next to me.

Y/n looked at him and cocked her eyebrow.

Charles: And Pierre of course. You have two sides. Let's go.

She did all her greetings and joined Charles and Pierre on the couch.

The night had gone smoothly and despite all the laughing she still felt a heaviness. Perhaps that photo memory had affected her, or it was the comment from earlier. Suddenly she felt a pillow hit her.

Lando: Earth to Y/n! It's your turn!
Y/n: Okay okay, I'm going.

Eventually they finished the game and Y/n had won.

Max: No ways! She cheated!
Daniel: She's just better than you mate. Accept that.
Pierre: She's better than all of us.
Y/n: As I should be. You guys have the good career so I have the victories on game night.
Lando: Well I'm hungry after that round. Snack break?
Carlos: I'm in! Let's go grab, Lando.

They walked off and everyone broke into conversation however Y/n didn't feel up to talking. She opened her phone to look at the photo again when she saw a DM.

Don't act all innocent and heartbroken about Jules. You know you caused it. You were too much for him and now you're killing Charles and Pierre. You're lucky he walked away from Spa. They're better off without you.

Y/n: I'm just going to the bathroom.

Her words felt forced. The small crack in her voice must've given her away as she got some pretty concerned looks. Hastily she closed the door and sat with her back against the shower and silently sobbed in her arms. She tried to find her phone to delete the DM but realized she dropped it as she got up. Dammit!

Max: Is she okay?
Pierre: Um, look here.

He showed her post from earlier and Charles looked over to the bathroom door.

Daniel: Should I...
Charles: Let me.
Max: She also dropped her phone... I think you should see this.

Pierre looked over Charles' shoulder and felt guilty.

Pierre: This hate is my fault. I shouldn't have let Abbie in. I should've skipped the interview. I need to go to her.
Charles: No, it's not your fault. I think it's best I go.

Y/n heard a soft knock on the door and wiped her eyes before saying come in.

Y/n: Hey, need something?
Charles: You dropped your phone. So uh... How long?
Y/n: What?
Charles: How long has this uh- hate gone on?
Y/n: Since Austria...
Charles: Austria?! Jeez Y/n. Why didn't you say anything?
Y/n: It was all stupid stuff that I brushed off until- until they blamed me for something I've blamed myself for, for a long time.
Charles sighed knowing exactly what she meant. He sat down next to her and placed his arm over her shoulders.
Charles: None of it is your fault. Not me and especially not Jules. You and Pierre are good for each other, don't let this ruin it.
Y/n: I- I don't know if we are... the fans-

Pierre: -Have no idea what they're saying. I love you Y/n. Charles is right, we're good for each other.

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