Crazily in Love

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Yuki: Sooooo... What do you two have to say for yourselves?

Pierre and Y/n looked confused at each other.

Yuki: I know you're dating. Why was I not informed?! Highly offended Pierre!
Pierre: Keep your voice down would you! And how do you know?
Yuki: So I was right!
Y/n: Wait. What just happened? Were you told or did you just guess?
Yuki: I gave it a wild chance to find out because I couldn't take this chemistry without knowing. I needed to know.
Pierre: Wow Yuki. That was well played.
Yuki: Thanks but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still offended you never told me.

Yuki now sat with his arms folded. Y/n's smile grew as she tried to contain her laugh at this site of the teammates death staring each other.

Y/n: That would be my fault. We aren't really telling everyone right now because I'd prefer not to. I'd hate to see you mad at him any longer.
Yuki: Okay. Well then I guess I'm over it. You guys are cute. And I totally called this but PIERRE denied it every single time. I mean I don't know why, he spoke about you all the damn tim-
Pierre: -OKAY! Yuki I think that's enough. Let's get back before we're late for FP2.

They got up from the table and Y/n grabbed Pierre stopping him. She gave him a quick kiss and headed out the hospitality to a bench on the paddock. Pierre found her on his way to the garage.

Pierre: What was that for?
Y/n: I spoke about you too. To Charles.

Pierre smiled at her and they held this gaze for a while. She just wanted to get up and hold him again but there were so many cameras.

Y/n: GO! You're gonna be late!
Pierre: See you later Chérie.

He ran off and Y/n giggled softly to herself while taking a secluded seat in the paddock.

"Ah we meet again"
Y/n: Hey George
George: Hey, change of scenery?
Y/n: What? Oh yeah. And a break from cameras flashing everywhere
George: Sorry, didn't realize you were famous. Should I get your autograph before you leave?
Y/n: Haha. As if. I live with drivers remember?
George: Yeah. So you're with Pierre?
Y/n: What?!
George: You're here with Pierre this weekend are you not?
Y/n: Oh! Yeah. Well Charles as well.
George: Right. Charles too.
Y/n: Forgive me for cutting this short but aren't you supposed to be in the car in like 10 minutes?
George: Yeah. I was just going there now. See you around.
Y/n: See ya. Bye

Y/n sat for a short while before she heard the sound of engines around the track. She begun walking to the Ferrari garage to support Charles for a change. She had to admit she liked the quiet paddock as everyone was watching the practice.

It wasn't long before she was sitting in the Ferrari garage and Andrea had made her feel just as welcome as before. When the session ended Charles managed to set a decent time however Pierre topped the charts this session too.

Charles: Y/n? I thought you'd be... you know... elsewhere.
Y/n: I wanted to support you too you know.
Charles: Well it's great to have you back here. Listen, I have a quick debrief then what do you say we all go for dinner?
Y/n: All?
Charles: You, me, Pierre, Max, Daniel and Lando.
Y/n: Okay cool. See you now then. I'll go... you know... elsewhere.
Charles: See you now.

She walked to find Pierre but found herself stopped by an unfamiliar face.

?: Y/n right?
Y/n: It's me. You are?
Claudia: Claudia, Claudia Woods. I'm part of a promotional team for a fashion company. You ever heard of 'Star Classique'.
Y/n: Have I?! I love their clothing!
Claudia: Well I am so pleased because we have been seeing your name rise given your situation with the drivers. We would love if you did a shoot with us.
Y/n: Are you kidding?! OMG! I'd love to!
Claudia: Perfect. We'll get in touch at the French Grand Prix.
Y/n: Thank you so much!

Y/n ran off to Pierre. When she saw him she threw her arms around him jumping in to his embrace.

Pierre: Um... did I miss anything?
Y/n: Firstly, fastest again! What did I say? And secondly, Star Classique just offered me a shoot with them in France!
Pierre: Y/n! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you!
Y/n: Thanks. So you almost ready to get going?
Pierre: Almost, one last debrief then we can head back to the room.
Y/n: I'll wait outside.

Y/n walked outside to the paddock which had cleared quite a bit now. She was elated with the offer and couldn't believe that it had happened.

When she saw Pierre coming out of the motorhome she grabbed her bag and walked up to him. They eventually made it back to the hotel and while Pierre showered Y/n changed into sweatpants and Pierre's hoodie. She lay on the bed and decided it was time she spoke to Valentine so she called her.

Valentine: Girl! I thought you were dead!
Y/n: I'm so sorry. It's been crazy. It just got crazier.
Valentine: Spill!
Y/n: Star Classique wants me for a shoot in France!
Valentine: AHHHH!! No way!
Y/n: I KNOWWW!!! AHHH! I'm so excited!
Valentine: I'm so happy for you! And do tell your boyfriend that he's been doing well this weekend.
Y/n: I wi- can I help?

Y/n turned and noticed Pierre in sweatpants without a shirt looking at her. He had seemed anxious at first but soon looked relaxed.

Pierre: I heard yelling. Making sure you're alright.
Y/n: Okay... You're staring.
Pierre: You're beautiful, I can't help it.

Y/n blushed at his words, her eyes still on him.

Pierre: And now you're staring.
Y/n: Put a damn shirt on and I won't! Anyway, Val, as I was saying...

Pierre walked away laughing, allowing the conversation to finish. When Y/n emerged in his view he put his phone down, looked up and smiled.

Pierre: Come here

Y/n walked up to the bed and flopped down next to him. He laughed at her being dramatic before pulling her close to him.

Y/n: You know, Pierre... if I was told this time last year that I'd be helplessly in love and actually happy again I would've laughed and denied it. Well, look at this... here I am, happy and in love... she looked up at him. oh so crazily in love.
Pierre: Aww Chérie. Where's this coming from?
Y/n: I don't know, just today got me thinking for some reason. The empty paddock really let's the mind wonder.
Pierre: It does tend to do that. I love you so much. You have no idea...

He planted a kiss on her head as she leant down to his chest. With that Pierre pulled her closer to him and in moments they had fallen asleep.

A/n: Not the most eventful chapter. Sorry about that. It's more of a filler for the build up to the next 2; which I personally love and can't wait to release it. xx

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