Bringing her Back

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Y/n had woken up after the guys had left for the Paddock. Thinking over her conversations with both Charles and Pierre last night, she started feeling better about the whole situation.

She went to the kitchen and found a plate of pancakes with a letter:

Breakfast for you <3 See you tonight

"The guys are the sweetest" she thought. She ate and got ready for the day.
When her phone rang she saw it was Charlotte.

Hey you!

Hey Char!

What do say we do coffee?

I literally just ate.

Oh haha! Well how does a run sound?

Perfect! I'll meet you at the docks in an

Sounds good to me!

Y/n was excited to see Charlotte again. It had been so long since they spent time together. She got in her running things and headed for the docks, moving quickly down the roads to miss all the F1 action. She'd completely forgotten she'd have to pass all of it...

Charlotte: Y/n! Hey!
Y/n: Hey Char! How you been?
Charlotte: Good thanks, you're looking sparklier.
Y/n: Feeling sparklier.
Charlotte: That's fantastic news! I heard you and Pierre are getting on so well.
Y/n: He's the best. It's so good to have a friend like that back in my life.
Charlotte: I'm happy for you Y/n. What's happening with Luca though?
Y/n: We split up. It just wasn't working anymore.
Charlotte: Oh, sorry to hear that.
Y/n: Don't be. I'm happier in any case.
Charlotte: So... Charles tells me you're looking into coming on Sunday?
Y/n: I- I am... but we'll see.
Charlotte: I'm just glad you're thinking about it at least. It's a step forward.
Y/n: Yeah, you're right...

Her words made Y/n think. Pierre had simply asked her like Charles would've and instead of refusing she let herself think about it. This had never happened... what was different?

After the run they grabbed lunch and headed home waiting for the guys to arrive back. When they did Y/n could see something was wrong with Arthur...

Y/n: Arthur? What's happened?
Arthur: No time set. No qualifying. Pit lane start for the sprint.
Y/n: What?! Why?!
Arthur: The power unit failed.
Y/n: Arthur, that's horrible. I'm so sorry to hear...
Arthur: It's okay, I'm just gonna shower and head to bed. Night guys.

Y/n: Pity to hear about Arthur...
Charles: Yeah. I'm going to go check on him, Char, you coming with me?
Charlotte: Yeah.

Pierre: ...Then there were two.
Y/n: Oh no! This is awful! I best be going to bed.
Pierre: Ouch! Don't think I wanted this either.
Y/n: oh please! I know you're obsessed with me.
Pierre: Mhm, you sure it's not the other way round Summers?
Y/n: Oh, don't we have an ego.
Pierre: Wouldn't you like to know.

Charles: Ahem. Interrupting are we?
Pierre: Not at all, just talking.
Y/n: Yeah, I'm going to go shower then.

Pierre: Try not slip and fall! I'm not gonna be there to catch you!
Y/n: Don't worry! I won't be falling for you anytime soon!
Pierre: Ooh good one!

Charles: Pierre? What's going on between you two?
Charlotte: I asked her the same thing. She had no answer. What will you say?
Pierre: We're just friends. I mean-

They kept quiet when they heard Y/n singing softly as she was in her room. Charles smiled and quickly called Arthur.

Arthur: I hear her.
Charles: It's awesome...

Pierre: New thing?
Charles: Old thing. She used to sing all the time. It was her thing. Music was part of her spirit-
Arthur: That spirit left with Jules.
Pierre: So this is a good thing...
Charles: A great thing Pierre. She's finally becoming herself again. Thank you.
Pierre: Thank me?
Charles: You were the first person to get her to laugh, and chat... and now sing... So thank you. You're bringing Y/n back to us.

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