A Favor

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As they drove home Y/n sat in the back with Max and Charles as Lorenzo drove. Charlotte had gotten her own ride as she needed to get home.
Y/n was constantly checking her phone and remained on edge the whole way. Eventually Max noticed and signaled to Charles to do something. In a second her phone was out of her hand and as much as she fought she couldn't get it back.

Giving up the fight for the phone, she decided to turn back to the window and nodded off. When she felt the car stop y/n opened her eyes and realized they were outside of the house.

Y/n immediately headed inside. She walked up to her room and went to open the closet to unpack but as she turned to open it she had the same fear run through her the night of the break in.

"What the hell is going on with me? I was fine all summer. Damon cannot have this power over me. Not anymore... can he?"

Y/n ignored it and continued on as normal. Before she would go join the others again she decided to check her socials. She was relieved to see there was nothing from Damon or even Luca and felt as if she could continue her day. Before she headed down, a recurring thought came in her mind and she decided not to ignore it this time.

She headed down and the guys were already around the living area. Everybody was enjoying themselves and in between the laughs she heard them talking about her and Pierre's "very cute whatever they are". She simply laughed before inviting herself to join the group and address her thoughts.

Y/n: Hey, um, Charles.
Charles: Yeah?
Y/n: Can I ask a favor?
Charles: Always Y/n. What's up?
Y/n: I- I want to go see Jules...

The room went quiet as Y/n had avoided the cemetery since the funeral. Charles' happy mood became more serious.

Charles: Are you sure?
She could hear the concern in his voice...
Y/n: Y-yes.
Charles: Okay, well I can take you in 10 minutes if you'd like.
Y/n: Okay... Thank you

Y/n went to her room to put on something more comfortable before meeting Charles by the car.
The whole way there was silent and slightly uncomfortable. Y/n wanted to talk but she didn't know what to say.

Charles: What's on your mind sis?
Y/n: What do you mean?
Charles: You're extremely quiet, and you don't seem entirely comfortable right now. Do you want me to turn back?
Y/n: No. No I want to go. It's just...

She didn't finish the sentence and turned back to the window. Charles pulled over and turned the key.

Charles: Y/n?

The concern in his voice worried her immensely. As she wanted to talk a couple tears rolled down her cheek.

Y/n: I'm scared Charles.
Charles: I'll come with you if you like. I'll be by your side.
Y/n: No I'm not scared about this. I cannot get rid of the fear Damon has caused me... being back here has just made everything worse. Everywhere I look I feel like he'll be at the next corner. I can't live like this.
Charles: Hey don't say that. You're safe Y/n, safe with us. I wish I had known this is how you're feeling, that you've been going through this for so long... I'm sorry.
Y/n: Don't be. It's my fault for not telling you, I just felt that Pierre would be a better choice because he wouldn't get as hurt as you would.
Charles: I understand, I'm just glad I eventually heard it all. But before we go on, you never did tell me about you and Pierre in the hospital.
Y/n: Oh, well I guess it changed when he kissed me... it was the day I went missing and he had to find me. When I was in his room we had a moment and he kissed me. That's where I knew I loved him.

She stopped herself, frozen in place. Had she just said she loved him out loud? And to Charles who clearly had the same reaction.

Charles: Love him?
Y/n: I- I guess I do.

Charles smiled at this and grabbed Y/n's hand giving it a little squeeze.

Charles: I'm really happy for you.
Y/n: Thank you. Now can we please go on?
Charles: Sure thing.

Just Friends // Pierre Gasly Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora