A few too many lies

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Early the next morning y/n got up and got ready for the guys to arrive home. She went down to the kitchen and prepared breakfast for the four of them (Lorenzo was still over).
In no time at all a key turned in the front door.

Charles and Arthur: WE'RE HOME!

Y/n ran and threw her arms around both of them at the same time.

Y/n: Yay!! I missed you guys! Congrats again on the races!

Charles: Thanks Y/n. Missed you too. Now are you okay like after last night?

Suddenly she was taken back to the reality of what has happened these past few days... not knowing entirely what to say she went with the simplest route.

Y/n: I guess so, it's been an eventful weekend but I've made it through.
Arthur: and we're proud of you for it. Is Lorenzo still here?
Y/n: Yes. And I made pancakes. So come on!
Charles: Sounds amazing...

The four of them sat around the table talking about the races before Charles turned to Y/n:
"Y/n? What's happening with Luca?"
Y/n: What do you mean?
Charles: Well, was he arrested?
Y/n: No but Damon was. Luca got off on a warning.
Charles: Really? How come? It's unlikely.
Y/n: I guess he was a first time offender... anyway, can we talk about something else.
Charles: One more question, sorry Y/n. Are you still together after that?
Y/n: Actually I ended things before that.
Charles: Really? Did you know Lo?
Lorenzo: She told me yesterday at dinner.
Arthur: Needless to really ask but, what happened?
Y/n: I just- he- it was time...
Charles: Surely something made you realize it was time though?
Y/n: I'd really rather talk about something else. Please.
Charles: We're sorry, we just care about you. Maybe you'll talk to us when you're ready.
Y/n: I have nothing left to say. It's over with Luca. That's all.

It got quiet around the table and Y/n didn't know what to do. She knew the more she spoke the more she'd have to lie about the details and she didn't want that. It had already been a few too many lies since the weekend.

Arthur: So... Y/n it's the Monaco Grand Prix soon. What do say about that one? I mean it's kinda hard to avoid it.
Y/n: Listen guys. I said if I wanted I would tell you. Just drop it already!

She got up and walked off teary eyed to her room. It was just too hard to stay there. Between lying to the guys that are practically her brothers and knowing she'd have to come to this race; she just didn't want to face it all right now.

After a short while there was a soft knock at the door.
Charles: Y/n, it's me. I'm coming in... What's going on?
Y/n: what do you mean?
Charles: Something is bothering you... and it's not the race or last night. Something happened?
Y/n: Nothing happened Charles. I'm okay, it's just been a lot.
Charles: Okay, well I'm going to Charlotte later today, wanna come?
Y/n: I'll pass thanks.
Charles: Alright.

He got up to leave before he stopped and turned back.

Charles: Y/n, you know you can talk to me hey. About anything... I'm here for you sis.
She heard the worry in his voice and she wished she could just lay everything out but knew it's too dangerous.
Y/n: I know, but I'm okay.
Charles: Okay. Oh! On Wednesday my friend Pierre, you know from Alpha Tauri, well he's coming to stay till the race.
Y/n: Cool, I'll sort the guest room out.
Charles: You're the best, love ya.
Y/n: Love ya too.

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