Meaningful Moments

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?: Y/n?
Y/n: Hmm
?: Y/n!
Y/n: Yeah
Charles: You zoned out. Everything alright?
Y/n: Yeah, sorry. Just tired.
Pierre: Maybe we should take a break?
Arthur: I think so. Should we go grab drinks Pierre?
Pierre: Sure

Charles: What's actually going on Y/n?
Y/n: What do you mean?
Charles: You've been staring at the same box for about 5 minutes. Pierre tried asking you for something and you never responded...

Y/n took a deep breath. It had been about two hours since they started packing this morning and she still felt like she wasn't getting anywhere.

Y/n: I don't know. I guess it's just more than I expected.
Charles: More boxes? We can fill them more if thats the problem, we just didn't want them to be too heavy and-
Y/n: -No no. It's not that. It's just- I guess I never expected leaving and moving out to happen so soon and I didn't think it'd be this much to do.
Charles: Oh Y/n... It was going to happen some day. Just think of this as a new chapter you're entering... and a very exciting one of that matter. You're starting a life with Pierre! How amazing is that? You found the person you always spoke of finding and he-

Pierre: -Loves you endlessly.

Y/n: Thank you love. And thanks Charles. I'm going to miss you so much.
Charles: I'll always be a phone call away, and you aren't gone yet.
Arthur: Everything will still be here for you Y/n.
Y/n: I know.
Pierre: Charles, Arthur, could we have a minute.
Charles: Of course

They left and it was just Y/n and Pierre in the room. She walked over to the window and Pierre followed. A silent tear escaped her eye.

Pierre: Chérie?
Y/n: I'm fine... I just have a lot of emotions right now.
Pierre: And that's okay. Moving is a big thing.
Y/n: You know I'm so happy to be living with you right? To be marrying you. I just-
Pierre: -You don't have to explain. Charles and Arthur were there in a time when you needed them most and leaving that isn't going to be easy.
Y/n: This is why I love you. You always know exactly what I'm feeling.

Pierre planted a gentle kiss on her lips and pulled her in for tight hug.

Pierre: Let's go for a walk
Y/n: A walk? Where to?
Pierre: I don't know, let's just walk for a bit.
Y/n: Okay

They grabbed a bottle of water each and went walking hand-in-hand down the road. They eventually got to a park and sat down on the grass.

Y/n: This is the park where you told me you loved me.
Pierre: I know, I brought us here.
Y/n: Oh?
Pierre: I thought we could take a moment to ourselves some place that means something to us.
Y/n: Well this is nice

They sat in the peace of the afternoon. It was a cooler day so Y/n sat up against Pierre for warmth. Her phone chimed but she ignored it.

Pierre: Don't you need to get that?
Y/n: It can wait.


Pierre: You sure you don't have to get that?
Y/n: Let me check who it is

She opened her phone and chuckled when she read the messages.

Maxi V🦁
How dare you?! Where's my invite?! That grass is like my favorite spot!

She showed Pierre the message and they turned around and saw Max heading their way laughing.

Y/n: Hey Max!
Max: Summers, Pierre. What a coincidence!
Pierre: How did you see us?
Max: I was going for a run and noticed you guys sitting here. What brings you here? Not exactly the best day to sit in the park.
Y/n: We needed this.
Pierre: Quality time and all.
Max: How cute. Ready for the wedding you two soon to be Mr and Mrs?
Y/n: You have no idea!
Max: Well I'll leave you two lovebirds alone. Enjoy and I'll see you around.
Y/n: See you Maxi V!

Once he left they stayed seated in the park but not for much longer. Once the weather turned they decided to head back to the apartment. They made it back just in time to miss the rain.

Charles: How was the walk?
Y/n: Needed. But it was lovely.
Arthur: Say- uh- Y/n. What about we go to the sims for a bit?
Y/n: Let me shower and I say game on!

Y/n made her way to the bathroom and once they heard the water running Pierre spoke.

Pierre: Okay guys, I need your help.
Charles: With?
Pierre: For the wedding, the whole 24 hours no communication is fine but I wanted to give Y/n something before she starts going all bridezilla on the day. It's small but I know she'll love it.
Arthur: Care to explain?
Pierre: It's just a necklace but it's special. Let me show you...

He got up disappeared into his room for a second before returning with a small rectangular box.
Charles opened it to reveal a small silver necklace with a raindrop shaped pendant on it. At the bottom of the pendant in the round of the raindrop was a small, almost black spherical gem.

Arthur: Wow Pierre this is beautiful
Charles: It's so different
Pierre: Look closer at the gem...

Arthur held it up to the light and noticed a small photo of Y/n and Jules in it.

Charles: Pierre this is amazing!
Pierre: Now he can be with her at the wedding and everyday after that...
Arthur: That's really special

He placed the necklace in the box and returned it to Pierre.

Pierre: So will you help me get it to her please
Charles: Of course. She's going to love it.
Pierre: Thank you
Arthur: I don't think anyone has ever done something like that before-

Y/n: -something like what?
Arthur: Uh-
Charles: We're just talking about something we saw on the circuit the one day.
Y/n: Work? Boringggg! Ready to lose again Arthur?
Arthur: As if! It's on!
Y/n: Lets go!

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