Breaking and Entering

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Frozen she lay in bed... reaching for her phone in one motion she swiftly grabbed it and headed into the closet.

Not knowing what to do she messaged Charles.

I need you!

Y/n? What's going on? It's really late.

Charles, there's someone in the house...
I don't know what to do, I'm scared.

Shit! I'll call the cops, stay quiet. Are you safe?

Yes. I'm in the closet. Please don't be long on the phone.

I promise I'll try be quick. For now hang tight...

Shaking she silently cried, tears streaming down her cheeks. It can't be Luca surely? He wouldn't do such a thing... just then she heard voices.

"Not here?"
"Well it's one house, check again! Try the rooms."

Oh no, she thought... they'll see her bed empty and unmade... they'll know she's in the house. She panicked as she heard the door to Charles' room across from hers open then close again. Footsteps got louder then stopped. It was quiet for a while, too quiet...

Suddenly she heard her door open and hurried steps towards the closet door. Y/n shut her eyes tight and cried silently. In a hard motion the door swung open and a small yell left y/n's mouth.

The voice. It was familiar. It was warm.
Y/n: Lorenzo?
L: It's okay, it's me. Come on...

She was frozen, what had happened? She couldn't move, she just burst into tears, letting out shaky sobs. Lorenzo bent down to her and wrapped his arms around her.

L: Shhh shhh, it's okay. You're okay. The cops have Luca downstairs but need you to come confirm it's him. Charles called me as soon as he finished with the cops.

Y/n: Lu-Luca? Why?
L: Thats what they need you to come find out. Let's go, I'll come with you.

Together they got up and Y/n walked slowly behind Lorenzo down to the kitchen where she saw Luca in cuffs with Damon next to two officers.

Officer: Miss Summers, are you alright?
Y/n: Ye-yes I- I am. *she stared Luca in his eyes the whole time she spoke.*
Officer: Do you know these men.
Y/n: I-

Luca looked at her coldly but threateningly; as if to say "No you don't"
How would she lie now? They were caught breaking and entering... she couldn't change that.

Y/n: Yes. He's Damon Satori and... *she couldn't do it, she was too frightened* sorry but I don't recognize the other one...

Officer: Mr Satori, you and your accomplice are under arrest for breaking and entering.
Luca: Officer if I may? I was not aware this was his plan, you heard the girl, she doesn't know me. I came to try and stop him.

The officer looked hesitantly at Y/n, Lorenzo and Luca. Turning and un-cuffing Luca, he was let off with a warning.

Once the officer had gone with Damon, Luca and Lorenzo hung back.
Lorenzo got close to Y/n... "Why did you help him?"
Y/n: You don't know what he's capable of Lo...

He moved over to Luca, moving him slowly towards the door.
Lo: I don't know what you're getting at but she just saved your ass. If I see you near her again-
Luca: I'll spare you the time, you'll rid of me. Whatever. Y/n knows she'll see me again. WONT YOU DARLING!
Y/n: Bastard! Get out of this house!
Once everyone had left Lorenzo walked with Y/n back up to her room.
L: Are you okay?
Y/n: I will be...
L: Y/n, be honest please... has Luca ever hurt you?
Y/n: ...No...
L: I'm going to have to believe you. You get some sleep, I'll stay in Charles' room tonight.
Y/n: Night... Oh and Lo?
L: Yeah?
Y/n: Please don't tell Charles I helped Luca tonight.
L: Y/n...
Y/n: Please?
L: Okay, just promise you'll tell him what he needs to know.
Y/n: Promise.

As she lay in bed she couldn't help but feel a form of closure, relief even, that Damon was in custody. Maybe she wouldn't have to keep Jimmy'z quiet. Maybe she could open a case, she knew with Luca having a warning already he couldn't do anything. Maybe justice could be served.

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