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Charles was called to the podium first, followed by Max, then the fans broke into a roar as Pierre's name was called. He went running up to the top step and was wearing the biggest smile ever. Y/n's eyes met his and she saw his entire face change. From pure joy to pure peace. 

"I love you" she mouthed

He winked at her as he turned his attention to the team.
It felt as if only seconds passed before there was confetti and champagne in the air and the drivers had begun making their way back down the podium.

Y/n met them at the bottom right before the cool down room.

Y/n: AHHH!! My champions! I'm so proud of you.
Max: Aww thanks. I presume you meant Pierre but still.
Y/n: I meant all of you.

She gave them each a hug before grabbing Pierre's hand and heading with them to the post race press conference. As they got to the door Pierre stopped and Y/n turned to him in more concern than confusion.

Y/n: Pierre?
Pierre: I can't believe I'm seeing Abbie right now.
Charles: I'm sure it'll be quick. She's only one broadcaster and not even a main one.
Y/n: Chin up, love. Charles is right.

Pierre sighed and they entered the room. Y/n went and sat towards the back as the three guys went up front. Pierre made eye contact with Abbie almost immediately and she simply smiled very brightly at him. He shifted his gaze to Y/n and Abbie's eyes followed. Her smile dropped and she got up and began walking Y/n's way when Pierre was talking.

Abbie: Y/n right? I'm Abbie.
Y/n: Nice to meet you
Abbie: Likewise. I'm sure you know me?
Y/n: I- I do actually. Or I've heard of you to say the least. Pierre's former partner. The one in that picture.
Abbie: Yeah. Haha that picture caused issues didn't it?
Y/n: Uh- yeah... but they were resolved.

Y/n looked in Pierre's direction but he and Max and Charles were deep in conversation and clearly not focusing.

Abbie: Wow. I wouldn't have moved on from that so quickly.
Y/n: What exactly was there to move on from? An old photo and silly rumor?
Abbie: Old? No no, that was recent. We did get together that week.

Y/n froze. She knew Pierre wouldn't lie. He knew she hated lies.

Y/n: Well, I have a handful of facts that say otherwise.
Abbie: Ah, I see. He lies Y/n. He played me once. Take it from me, those blue eyes are mesmerizing but don't look too deep... you might not like what you see.

With that she walked off and rejoined the other broadcasters. Y/n sat back down pondering Abbie's words. She knew jealous exes to make up things but that seemed almost too rehearsed. It seemed as if there was truth to it.

When Pierre looked back up he smiled softly at Y/n who attempted to return it but failed in being convincing. She was very confused and really taken by surprise. Pierre was about to approach her as the first reporter opened the floor, stopping him from proceeding.

Reporter: So, we welcome our top three from the race. Pierre Gasly, Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc. Congratulations you three. We will now be taking questions and feedback. Who would like to start.

Abbie: Abbie here with MotoNewsF1. I'd like to start.
Reporter:  Go ahead.

Abbie: Firstly, congratulations. I'd like to first ask Max, how did you find the car?
Max: It was good. Clearly struggled under the pressure from Pierre but overall performance and pace was there.
Abbie: Thank you. Charles? Pleased with P3? How is next race looking?
Charles: I mean I hoped for a higher finish but we all do unless we're on the top. I guess we just will analyze the data we have and hopefully push for a win next race.
Abbie: Good to hear. Now Pierre... What was that sudden pace change? Did you manage tires better or was it an... external factor?
Pierre: Well a bit of both. My tires warmed up and I was able to push them harder. Then of course I had pushed to show the team what I was capable of, to make them... and miss Summers, proud.
Abbie: So you and Miss Summers are public now, does this mean you're past the public debates of intentions behind said relationship?

Charles and Max looked at each other and then at Y/n. They had expected some or other stunt but not quite one so personal.

Pierre: Intentions?
Abbie: It's no secret that Miss Summers is presumed to be 'using' you for her own fame. Fans have become concerned and wish for answers. So again I ask, are you past these debates?
Pierre: There's never been bad intentions. We never even planned on a relationship until, well, until we fell in love.
Abbie: Are you aware that Miss Summers has gained a massive following since you two begun posting? It can't help but let people wonder if this is fulfilling her dream of fame.
Charles: Y/n lives with me! She's a public figure from that. It has nothing to do with Pierre. For the record she doesn't even try build fame because she values her privacy.

Y/n smiled at Charles standing up for her but was still getting irritated by the continual prying.

Max: How does this have anything to do with the race results?
Abbie: Forgive me but I was just trying to address the matter of whether Pierre is a piece of some sort of game or not from Miss Summer's side. The fans have been wanting to know and put it on the list of questions.

Y/n couldn't take it anymore. She got up and walked out of the room not going unnoticed. What is she playing at? I get it enough questions already!

Pierre: Sorry. This is no longer about the race so I will be leaving. Times up in any case.
Reporter: Mr Gasly, if you would please-
Max and Charles: -We're leaving too.

They all three got up and left without another word. Y/n was leaning against the wall outside. She stood up when she saw them walk out.

Y/n: Why aren't you still busy?
Max: Cannot STAND that girl.
Pierre: Don't listen to her. Nobody believes this, you and I, was a publicity stunt.
Y/n: Well- never mind, you're right. Gosh, how did you date someone so... how do I say-
Charles: -Enraging?
Max: -Irritating?
Y/n: Haha, yeah.
Pierre: I guess that's why I ended it. Now, what do say we have a celebratory dinner?
Max: Sounds fun, I'll get Kelly so long.
Charles: So im gonna be a third wheel to, not one, but TWO couples?!
Y/n: Sorry Char couldn't join. We'll talk to you, don't worry.

They headed to the restaurant, Y/n and Pierre going first to get a table.

Y/n: Can I ask something?
Pierre: Sure.
Y/n: I- did you- you know what, it's stupid.
Pierre: No no, if it's bugging you it isn't. What's wrong?
Y/n: Did you stay in contact with Abbie after the breakup? Like do you still talk?
Pierre: ...

Just Friends // Pierre Gasly Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat