A Rumor

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Y/n: HA! AGAIN! You were saying?
Arthur: NOOO! I refuse! You forced me wide!
Y/n: It's called racing!
Arthur: Dirty racing.
Y/n: Oh please. I don't see a penalty do I?
Arthur: Ohhhhh you are so annoying sometimes.
Y/n: Feeling's mutual.

Charles had arrived and had heard the commotion. He laughed when he heard Y/n yelling that "it's called racing". Immediately he knew they were on the sims again and by the way Arthur was reacting he must've lost.

Charles: I'm back.
Y/n: You're brother is a sore loser.
Charles: He just doesn't like losing to you.
Arthur: That's because she's dirty.
Y/n: I beg to differ. I raced you fairly and won.
Arthur: Forcing me wide into the side isn't fair!
Charles: Okay, I don't want to be part of this debate nor do I want it to go on. Y/n can we talk in your room quick?
Y/n: Sure. See you in a SECOND Arthur.

She winked at him as she and Charles headed for her room. She sat on her bed and Charles closed the door behind him.

Charles: So I know you're nervous about being here. And Pierre does too, so I have this sent all the way from Milan for you.

Y/n took the package from his hand and opened it to reveal an Alpha Tauri hoodie. Y/n remembers this hoodie. It was one Pierre had leant to her. He gave it to her to sleep in the night he found her in the rain. The night they kissed.
She held it close to her and smiled.

Charles: There's a note too.

Y/n took the small card and read it.

I know it sucks I'm not there for you. I would give anything to keep you in my arms safe and sound but the closest I can get to holding you is this hoodie. Remember it ;) Missing you, see you Wednesday Summers. Xx

Y/n: He's the best.
Charles: Special hoodie?
Y/n: Very...
Charles: Well it was a very cute gesture if I say so myself.
Y/n: It really was.
Charles: But are you sure you're okay after seeing Luca?
Y/n: I actually am. I mean I panicked when he walked away but that was more because of the way he said 'enjoy the week'.
Charles: Well I'm here if you need to talk. Goodnight sis.
Y/n: Night bro.


The next day came very quickly and Y/n decided to go for an early run. Not wanting the guys to worry she phoned Charlotte who agreed to join her. After the run the two of them went for breakfast.

Charlotte: So, how have you been back in Monaco? You didn't seem so keen on it at the airport.
Y/n: It's alright. Better than I'd imagined, I just wish Pierre were here.
Charlotte: I bet you do. When are you seeing him again?
Y/n: Only next Wednesday. At the airport in Austria.
Charlotte: Oh, well at least you can relax for these few days and you'll see how quick it'll go.
Y/n: You're right. Are you coming to Austria?
Charlotte: I can't. I have work and things to do here.
Y/n: Oh okay. Well it's getting late, I wouldn't want Charles worrying. Shall we go?
Charlotte: Yeah.

Once she got back to the house Y/n showered and got ready for the day before making her way into the living room.

Charles: Good run?
Y/n: The best.

As she sat down her phone lit up. Her face immediately changed as she looked at it and Arthur noticed.

Arthur: Um, Charles...
Charles: Whats up? Oh-
Y/n stared at the screen with tears welling up in her eyes.


The rumors of @Just_Y/n and @Pierregasly being lovebirds can be denied

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The rumors of @Just_Y/n and @Pierregasly being lovebirds can be denied. Pierre found with an unknown partner in Milan soon after his return from Monaco.

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Charles leaned over and looked at her screen.

Charles: Y/n-
Y/n: -I just need to get some air.

She got up leaving her phone open on the post and left the house. Charles looked down at her phone and then at his brother.

Charles: What should we do?
Arthur: Finding Y/n is number 1 right now. She left her phone so we gotta go before she's too far.
Charles: We won't have to try too hard.

Charles indicated towards the window and Y/n was sitting leaning against the wall holding her legs on the doorstep. She had her head on her arms and was clearly crying. Charles moved to get up but Arthur stopped him.

Arthur: Maybe we should first talk to Pierre.
Charles: You're right. Let me call him.

Charles got Pierre on the line and the longer it rang the clearer Charles' anger became.

Pierre: Hey mate?
Charles: Pierre. Best explain yourself...
Pierre: Woah, what's wrong?
Charles: Did you even check your socials?
Pierre: Let me look now. Oh- shit.
Charles: Indeed. What's that about?
Pierre: That is not recent at all. You have to believe me. Somebody is clearly trying to start something. Please tell me Y/n's okay.
Charles: What do you think? She's been terrified all week so far in Monaco, believing you have to work... she feels a little betrayed. You guys kiss and then you leave for Milan and then the post... She's far from perfect right now.
Pierre: Can I speak to her? Please.
Charles: She's not here right now... Call her tomorrow maybe. She wouldn't answer you tonight.
Pierre: Okay. Bye.

Charles ended the call and then headed to go fetch Y/n...

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