Congratulations and Explanations

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The next morning Y/n and Pierre woke to a loud knocking on the door.

Y/n: Expecting someone?
Pierre: No. Not this early. Are you?
Y/n: Would I have asked if I was?
Pierre: It's first thing in the morning and yet you're still as sarcastic as always.
Y/n: Get used to it love. It's going to be a daily occurrence.

He smiled before giving her a quick kiss. The knocking picked up again, only faster this time.

Pierre: I'll go get it.

She lay in bed listening for who was at the door. She heard it open and laughed at Pierre's sigh.
Pierre: Of course...
?: Where is she?
Y/n: I'm in the bedroom!

A familiar figure appeared in the doorway.


Charles ran and jumped on her, throwing his arms around her as she tried to sit up.

Y/n: I am!
Charles: Congratulations sis! I'm so happy for you and Pierre. I wouldn't want you marrying anyone else, Pierre really is the best husband out there.
Pierre: Aww Charles, if I had known this is how you felt I would've proposed to you.
Charles: Haha. But really guys I'm so happy for you.
Y/n: Thank you. So Arthur told you?
Charles: Actually-
Pierre: -I asked him for his blessing before proposing. He knew why I needed you to be delayed and he started the whole thing with Max...
Y/n: His blessing? You asked- Pierre- Charles- that means so much!
Charles: I knew from that moment that he was truly the one for you.
Y/n: He is...

?: Is it true?!
?: Tell us We aren't dreaming!
?: Did it finally happen?!

Arthur: Sorry. I tried to keep it a secret I really did but they got it out of me. I then tried to stop them, but I couldn't.
Pierre: That's okay Arthur.
Y/n: It's true guys. There's a ring and everything!

Lando: No way! Little Y/n is all grown up!
Daniel: I can't believe this! Congrats to both of you!
Max: Well done Pierre. Congrats Summers, you've got a good one here Pierre.
Charles: He knows, or he better at least.
Pierre: Not only a good one but the best one.
Y/n: Thank you everyone. I appreciate you all coming so early but if I could kindly ask though, that you all leave the bedroom so I can get ready to leave. Feel free to migrate to the lounge area for the time being.
Charles: Of course! Let's go guys.

They all headed out the door except for one.

Daniel: I'll be there in a second.
Y/n: Danny?
Daniel: Summers... look at you, engaged and everything.
Y/n: Yeah, guess so. Everything okay?
Daniel: I'm very happy for you and everything I've said before, I want you to forget it... Okay?
Y/n: No, I don't want to. Danny, you're like my best friend, we won't be here if we didn't have those memories.
Daniel: I just don't-
Y/n: -You could never cause issues.
Daniel: Okay, I'm sorry again...
Y/n: No reason to be. Now I love you but I'm going to be late at this rate, we've got flights to catch.
Daniel: Fli- Right, sorry. See you out there.

He turned and left, closing the door behind him. Confused about something she'd said he joined the others.

Daniel: Say Pierre?
Pierre: Yeah?
Daniel: You guys fly back to Monaco today right?
Pierre: Yes
Daniel: It's just one flight there right?
Pierre: Yeah?
Daniel: So why did Y/n just say flights. As in plural?
Pierre: Oh, um...
Charles: Pierre? What else is on the agenda?

Everyone looked skeptical but Charles' face grew concerned along with Arthur's.

Max: Going to Milan?
Pierre: No, no, it's-
Lando: -complicated?
Pierre: Y/n wouldn't want me telling you.
Charles: Pierre what is the other flight?
Pierre: Y/n wanted... she asked to-

Y/n: -To stop over in Belgium. They might as well know Pierre.
Lando: Belgium?
Max: Wait, you can't be serious?
Charles: Y/n?

Charles stood up and walked over to her, holding her arms gently at the sides of her body.

Charles: Why?
Y/n: I need to know if it's true. I want to.
Arthur: It's risky.
Max: and stupid.
Lando: What's in Bel-
Daniel: Her parents. Yeah, Summers that not such a good idea.
Pierre: Guys. Hear her out.
Y/n: I can't remember my mom... I thought she was gone for good but hearing she's back-
Charles: -You need to know if it's really worth trying to reconnect?
Y/n: I first have to know if what my dad said was true.
Max: That asshole? No Summers, I'll go with. You can't-
Y/n: -It's okay Max. Pierre will be there and I know him, he's my dad after all...
Daniel: Be Safe would you...
Lando: I don't have much context but clearly there's reason to worry about this so be careful Y/n.
Y/n: Thanks guys... Arthur? You've been very quiet...

Arthur got up and walked to the window, Y/n followed him.

Arthur lowered his voice to a whisper.
Arthur: I don't trust this Y/n... does he know you're coming?
Y/n: No... we're just going.
Arthur: Please be safe. Please. I have never seen someone hurt you as much as he did, not even Luca.
Y/n: I'll be careful. I promise. Besides, they're my parents, what's the worst that could possibly happen?

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