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June 7th 2023 - Everything, Everywhere, and Everyone

June 7th 2023 - Everything, Everywhere, and Everyone

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"There's my winner." I say holding the Gatorade bottle in my hand as Lilia comes closer.

She runs towards me at full speed. To anyone it could've looked like she was prepared to give me a hug but I knew better.

Lilia was about to body slam me.

She puts all her body weight onto mine tackling me into the ground. The gatorade bottle rolls out of my hand and onto the schools grass field.

" 'ayn kunti? hah!?" She yells at me as she pins my shoulders to the ground. She is surprisingly way too strong.

"English!?" I exclaim. I know a lot of languages for the life of me I cannot understand Arabic.

At this very moment with her tanned olive skin, angered expression and bright orange red hair she reminded me of fire. The scary kind.

"WHERE WERE YOU!?" She yells louder. "I had a family emergency I had to stay home!" I exclaim defending my case.

"Your family emergency prevented you from telling me you had a family emergency!?"

"No but I don't know." I stutter as her eyes grow more angry.

"Im sorry!" I exclaim. She shakes her head and lets me get up. He red hair is in a loose ponytail due to all her rough playing.

I offer her the gatorade bottle. And she takes it. Sipping on the lemon flavour.

"I missed you." She said. "It was barely a week!"

"Yea but you're my best friend."

"At least I came to watch your play offs and you won!"

"I always win. Name one time I haven't won a football game?" She raises a brow.

"Last September, 2pm on a Friday, pep rally against me. You said and I quote,  "one day ill rematch you." While snarling at me and it was the greatest day of my life." Carter says as he switches a basketball from one hand to the other.

Lilia lets out a big deep sigh. "What are you doing here?"

"T isn't the only one who can come to see you win." He shrugs. "Plus the boys team have a soccer game after yours."

This is literally the most I've ever heard this dude talk.

"It's football." Lilia says.

"Doesn't really matter."

Lilia rolls her eyes. "Leave me alone." She says firmly. "Mamita, eso fue malo. It wouldn't kill you to be nicer to me, you know." Carter says.

"Mamita? Man, you just get worse." She says before squealing in annoyance and removing herself from the soccer field.

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