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December 25th 2022 -Seize The Season.

"MAMA!" My body snaps up which is an unpleasant way to wake up

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"MAMA!" My body snaps up which is an unpleasant way to wake up. The duvet pulls my lap and I frantically search for my son in alert.

Massimo removes himself from our bed in an instant and opens our bedroom door In nothing but plaid pajama pants.

"ITS CHRISTMAAAAASSS!" The sound of his voice becomes louder as he runs directly into our room. His pitter patters of his bare feet trail closer. He dives face first in our King sized bed.

Massimo sighs closing the door and I let out a breath I was holding. I place my hand over my chest and breathe heavily.

Why didn't I see this coming? Artemis gets up to stand on the bed and begins jumping "WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE U PPP!!" The mattress under me bounces as he plunges off of it.

"Kid, we're awake." Massimo grumbles sneakily, placing his armed weapon away from T's sight. I wouldn't have seen it if i didnt look either.

How the fuck did he whip out a gun so fast? Does he sleep with it!?

"Merry Christmas." I say in a groggy voice rubbing my eyes. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Artemis yells.

"Merry christmas." Massimo sighs before grabbing T's ankle and pulling him down making his face plant the pillows and mattress. "Oomph!" He makes a noise as his face plants the bed.

Massimo stretches over to me and gives me a peck on the forehead before bolting to the bathroom. I forced T to go and brush his teeth as I did so myself.

I got us all alive looking for the day meaning Massimo puts on a shirt, T gets on socks and I accompany my -Massimo's- oversized black tee with the matching red and black plaid pants I forced the boys to wear last night.

As we leave the room T rides on Massimo's back, they in their matching pj's are so cute and although Massimo Is wearing a black Tee shirt like me instead of a full set like T's who wears a matching plaid shirt it still doesn't make it less cute.

T provokes Massimo verbally as he ignores it carrying him As all three of us descend down the stairs. "I smell pancakes? Did you cater?" I ask.

I don't even get an answer before I found the causes of the smell in my living room. "about damn time!" Vincenzo hollers. He sits on the couch patiently waiting to open presents we did not get him. "Y'all sleep in for too damn long!" Dominico follows.

"Right!?" T agrees. I can see the annoyance radiating off the man beside me. I hit his chest playfully then walk into the room further. "Good morning,boys." I greeted them.

"You guys are up!" Verona's bright tone of voice pings my ears. She hugs me in a bear hug shaking me side to side. "Merry Christmas!" She says perkily before letting me go and jumping Massimo in a bear hug.

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