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- Before I Die

His eyes rushed to mine

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His eyes rushed to mine. "What?" he asked, looking at me as if i've grown two heads "let's get married." I breathe out happy with my idea.

It's the least I could do for him he'd get to experience having a wife before he goes. And when he does go I obviously wouldn't be married anymore. "We can sign a prenup, I don't want your money. I just want to do this for you." he blinks at me searching my eyes to see if i'm serious.

"We can't." he finally says, shutting it down. "Why not?" I ask. "You're too young to get married. We both are." he says, shaking his head.

"In two or three days We wont be." i reason. "You don't know me, or who I am. You don't know what you'd be marrying into. It's also illegal and requires parental permission. It's just not possible,Alexandra."

I get up off of the swing and search for a rock  underneath me. "I have no intention of meeting your family or seeing you again after tonight so I simply will never know what I'd be marrying into."

I found a big coal rock pointy enough for me to use. "As for the legal part. It's legal for me to marry you without parental permission if I am pregnant. Which I am. Don't fight me on this." I say as I get on one knee with his list in one hand and the rock in the other.


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"Massimo..whatever the rest of your name is. Will you let me help you cross out number eight on the list?" I ask, holding up the rock.

A smile emerges from his face before he says. "Sure." laughing  I kneeled and rested the list on the pavement before crossing out number eight  and then three, four, five, and six.  With the coal rock

"Look how far we've gotten." I say proudly. He gets off of his swing and joins me on the ground before taking the list and the rock from me. I watched as he crossed out seven and ten making my face feel hot.

His tired brown eyes looked at me with admiration and happiness for the first time in forever tonight and because I knew what was coming next I prepared myself for when his face slowly came close to mine before he placed his soft lips against my own.

Sparks flew as he kissed me, it was beautiful, slow and soft and amazing. It felt like butterflies against my tongue and he swiped it.sadly the kiss ended and it was just me and him looking at each other. I was his first meaningful kiss now.

"Let's go before the courthouse closes." i said.


The night was one I was forever going to remember. We made it to the court house where we signed the prenup and marriage license.

It was a very cool process. They even had a room where we could have a little wedding for ourselves. "Do you, Alexandra Amoretto, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To hold and to cherish through sickness and in health, for rich or for poor for as long as you live. Until death do you part."

  the court administrator who was officiating us said. Literally it was until death did us part. "I do." I smile at the happy boy before me. "Do you Massimo Moretti take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To hold and to cherish through sickness and in health, for rich or for poor for as long as you live. Until death do you part."

the officiator asks him. Finally I heard his full name and I just loved the fact he was Italian. He smiles at me and says " I do." he says. "By the power invested in me you are now pronounced husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride."

yea, we kissed again. And it was just as good as the first time but better because I could feel the happiness radiating off of him. The finalizing of the marriage would take 24 hours but it didn't matter to us, in our heads we were married.

We went to the beach after I promised him and at the time there was a party going on at the shore.

I've never had so much fun at a party like i did when i'm with him, he didn't let me drink but we danced in the crowd without a problem and although i was worried it would tire him out because he was sick after all  but he assured me this was the most finest he's ever been.

One a.m. we were done having our fun and I told him I had to get home, maybe my father was worried sick about his little girl. Even though that made him sad again he didn't fight it and neither did I.

He accompanied me on all the buses that led me home saying he didn't want anyone to bother me this time at night and I appreciated the gesture.

We both stood in front of the exit doors of the bus, he faced me as he held onto the railing and I leaned back into the divider watching him. "I'm at the next stop." I whisper but he hears me pull the stop cord letting the diver know I wanted to come off at the next stop.

"Massimo?" I call out to him, he lets me know I have his attention by sharing eye contact. "What would happen if you had more time?" I ask.

"I'd spend it going crazy over you." he says simply before the bus stops at my last destination. I nod and smile before saying nothing more and exiting the bus.

His eyes watched my every moment for as long as he could, now it was just him staring at me through the open door. I waved at him and he waved back before the doors shut and the bus drove away and I watched it go.

It pained me.

I didn't know Massimo before. Maybe he could've taken me out like he wanted to. I didn't understand why it had to be this way but he wasn't important anymore.

I was never going to see him again. He'll become a memory. It was time for me to take my child into consideration.

"ALEX!"  a hand comes in contact with my shoulder jolting me in shock. As my eyes meet with the face I calm down only to realize it's just my next door neighbor Amanda.

"Your dad has been looking for you everywhere! Where did you go?" she asked, face full of relief, I smiled sweetly. "It's okay, and I'm going home now." and with that she walked me home herself where I was met with an angry father.

But it didn't matter because I don't regret tonight, in fact it was probably the best night of my life.

I am Alexandria Shea Amoretto, I am fifteen and my story is only starting.



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