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-Deja Jru

I swallowed the lump in my throat "How long have you been standing there?" I asked with such confidence I never knew I had

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I swallowed the lump in my throat "How long have you been standing there?" I asked with such confidence I never knew I had. 

The way he looks at me in this moment should've made anyone want to crack their own head open and die but want to fuck him at the same time.

"Long enough to plan a murder." The answer baffles me as it's unexpected but not surprising, he was king of all murders after all.

"Oh." I breathe out. My feet stuck to the floor as his height engulfed me and his body overpowered mine.

"Who do I need to kill, Alexandra?" He said strangely calmly. It all clicked for me now, he thinks I was talking to another man, that i was disloyal and it left a bitter taste in my mouth.

He was mad at my disloyalty to him in this marriage I didn't even know I was in. I wasn't an idiot.

I knew he himself wasn't loyal or planning on being loyal either. I crossed my arms and looked up into his dark eyes. "Your ego." I said confidently.

He smiles darkly rubbing the stubble on his face. "Alexa-"

"MOMMY!" The panicked yell jolts my attention towards the dining room. The conversation before was forgotten and my parental instinct became alert.

Artemis runs towards me crying holding his finger up. "Look!" He holds up his finger with a clear deep wedge wooden splinter in it while sobbing.

I internally sighed that it wasn't anything serious but could've sworn I heard someone sigh out loud.

"How did you do this?" I kneeled to his level and inspected the splinter that's going to hurt like a bitch to get out.

I had only left him in that room for two seconds and he already hurt himself. "The maid was bringing me hot chocolate and he-"

he paused to take a gasping sob and catch some air. "He did what?" Massimo's voice threatened to be slightly more upset than he was before.

"He split it on my lap and I jumped and rubbed my finger on the table and it went in there." He bawls.  

"Okay,okay, I'll get it out." As I said those words Massimo begins to walk towards the dining room grabbing something under his suit jacket.

With widened eyes I stopped him with one hand, "Not around my son." I whispered slowly, buzzing with protective instinct.

He removes his hand from his suit and proceeds to walk to the dining room anyway.

I soothe Artemis and pull him into the nearest bathroom where I found a first aid kit and pulled out the splinter. My sweet spawn saves the day.

 My sweet spawn saves the day

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