Chapter 31

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We arrive at a small hut, and Volo remarks, "Here we are. I know, I know - it's no palace. But you know the saying about beggars and choosers."

Following Volo inside, we find a woman sipping tea at a desk. She addresses Volo, "Shirking your work to come to pester me again? Even beneath a bleeding sky, you never change."

"Always a pleasure, Mistress Cogita," Volo responds. "But I'm afraid I'm not here today to learn more of Hisui's myths and legends."

"No "mistress," thank you. Just Cogita. And this is?" Cogita queries.

"Why, Ash, Alice, and Rei are the people of the hour," Volo explains. "They are the ones who quelled the frenzy of all the Pokemon nobles, believe it or not."

"Ah, the poor wretches you spoke of. Lost in time and space," Cogita smiles. "Dear me, lost ones... It seems I'll be able to fulfill my duty at long last, thanks to you."

"Lost ones?" Rei asks.

"Indeed - I am to guide you, lost one. For the task of preventing great disaster falls to you. The rift in space-time must be mended, lest time and space themselves be thrown out of balance. But come. You may enter my dear hideaway. There's much to be told."

Understood, I'll revise the section to adhere to the guidelines:

As we enter the hut, Cogita begins, "The space-time rift is said to be a portal to innumerable other dimensions...In one such realm, far and farther still from ours, dwells almighty Sinnoh."

"The Diamond Clan's or the Pearl Clan's realm?" I ask.

"The expanse from antiquity to eternity and the expanse to all sides, above, and below...Time traces the path we tread from the here and now into the future...While space yawns all-encompassingly, surrounding us in every direction. You see, don't you? The two together, time and space, comprise all creation - the universe. How can one claim that either is greater than the other, as those two clans do?"

"When you consider it, they are intertwined. You can't determine which is superior," Alice remarks.

"Perhaps the truth is clearer to a wanderer such as you - one who has known other ages. Now listen, lost one. Here is what you must do. Hisui holds three lakes of great importance - " Cogita starts.

"You mean Lake Verity, Lake Valor, and Lake Acuity?" I interject. "And each lake harbors a Pokémon embodying a different aspect of the mind, right?"

"Yes. Complete the trials each will set you, and bear their gifts to the Shrouded Ruins," Cogita instructs. "There you may receive the Red Chain. With it, perhaps you can bind the world together."

I'm taken aback, realizing we'll be creating the Red Chain—the same item Team Galactic sought to control Dialga and Palkia. Volo questions, "Bind the world, you say...? You mean it won't close the rift?"

"Kindly spare me your doubts, young man," Cogita replies. "I know the old words and what they bid us do. How true they are isn't mine to know. And regardless of their truth, I am bound to pass them on. How callous of my ancestors - to leave their legends to their children without a thought for the hardship it would cause them! we are. You know your duty, and you'll do it. Won't you?"

"Absolutely, we'll do this," I affirm.

"There is nobility in knowing what must be done and seeing to it," Cogita remarks.

"Mistress Cogita's got a lovely workbench here. And if you need materials, I'd be glad to help. I'm always happy to do business with you," Volo adds.

"But what about the pastures? We only have six each, and what about the others?" I ponder.

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