Chapter 20

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Upon returning to Galaxy Hall, our initial stop is Captain Cyllene's office to attain our sixth rank. There, we receive invaluable recipes for crafting Ultra Balls and Max Potions.

We ascend to Kamado's office where he acknowledges our success in the Cobalt Coastlands mission. With commendation, he expresses, "You did well on your mission in the Cobalt Coastlands. Your efforts there aided not only the Galaxy Team but the Pearl Clan as well. ..I do hope your efforts will also have an impact on the space-time rift, somehow. If we are able to get rid of that rift, it should clear any lingering doubts about your origins. Though we might actually close the rift, I haven't the slightest idea. Remain true to the mission."

Acknowledging Kamado's wisdom, we take our leave from the hall and rendezvous with Akari and Professor Laventon at the Wallflower for a meal.

Beni cheerfully serves a plate of mochis to the table, explaining, "If you notice that today's potato mochis taste a bit different, well, that's because I used a Pokémon's flames to roast 'em! Bon appétit!"

Once Beni departs, Laventon muses, "The birth of a new lord Pokemon...What a sight that must have been! If only I had journeyed to Firespit Island to witness the event myself."

Akari interjects humorously, "I have a hard time imagining you making that trip on Basculegion's back, Professor..."

Laventon chuckles, "Come now, you know my coordination is so poor I couldn't even hit my own foot with a Poke Ball! And I can't dodge Pokemon attacks to quite literally save my own skin! Of course, I can't possibly ride atop a fearsome beast like Basculegion! That being said, we'd all do well to remember these wise words: "The ever-striving soul is rewarded in the end." And strive I shall! For the sake of my research, I will surely ride a Pokemon one day and record the experience in our Pokedex for all posterity! Just you watch!"

Rei remarks skeptically, "Yeah, sure."

As the dinner concludes, we retire to our quarters, reminiscing about the people in our future world.

The morning unfolds, and we engage in our morning exercises outside the quarters. Soon, we notice a man approaching, Alice and I recognize him, resembling one of the conductors from the Unova Region.

"Good morning, good sirs and ma'am who came from the sky!" the man greets. "Commander Kamado told me to let you know he awaits your arrival in his office."

"Uh, okay..." I respond, a hint of confusion in our expression. Alice says, "He looks like Ingo and Emmet, do you think he's their ancestor?"

"Maybe?" Rei asks. The scene unfolds in Kamado's office, where Adaman is in the office with us. "Ash, Alice, and Rei! I have your next orders. You must go to the Coronet Highlands to quell another frenzied noble - Electrode, Lord of the Hollow."

We are baffled at the mention of Electrode, a Pokémon resembling our own Poké Balls from their world, existing in this timeline. Adaman says, "Electrode has a propensity to store up electricity in its body, then unleash it. But since Electrode became frenzied, those electrical outbursts have become giant blasts."

Kamado says, "Hrrrm! We'll be enlisting the Pearl Clan's aid in securing you safe passage to Electrode's seat. I've sent word ahead to Irida asking - "

"N-no! You don't have permission to go up the-!" the guard protests. However, in an instant, we spin around to witness a man skillfully bypassing the guard. "Oh, save it! As if I'll be stopped by the likes of you! Now, out of my way!"

The assertive man sporting the Diamond Clan outfit comes and says, "Hey, ho, Bossman Kamado! I thought it might've slipped your mind to send me an invite, so I took the liberty of stopping by anyway."

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