Chapter 37

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The version of myself across from me gazes intently after hearing my disagreement with Team Alpha's actions. With a sigh, he remarks, "You're just like how I was after the Kalos League at your age. Back then, I would have disagreed with it too."

He adopts a stern expression and continues, "Nevertheless, I'm uncertain if you'll face the same situation in your world. But I have faith that you can ready yourself in case what's occurring in our world extends to yours. This way, perhaps you won't resort to the same path of world destruction as I did."

Lillie inquires, "Are you suggesting that we shouldn't intervene in your actions and allow you to continue causing destruction to the world?"

The alternate version of myself responds, "At present, we're not instigating any attacks unless provoked. Our primary objective is to gather the scattered Infinite Gems across the world. We aim to harness their powers, hoping to utilize their abilities to grant wishes and positively transform the world."

"Is that the reason why your siblings aren't here with you?" I inquire. "Are they out searching for the remaining gems?"

"You're right," the alternate Serena confirms. "Each of us is assigned to locate three of the gems. So far, the three of us have acquired the Electric Gem and the Ice Gem. We're just resting before we're heading to Johto to get the Dragon Gem and meet up with others."

"I understand," I reply calmly. "But I feel compelled to challenge you. A one-on-one battle, you against me."

The other version of myself regards me with surprise. "And why should I entertain that idea? You appear less experienced compared to me; it seems inevitable that you'll end up defeated."

"Who said defeat is assured?" I retort. "I simply feel the need to face you. It's not about winning or losing but understanding your strength and determination towards your objectives."

Reluctantly, he concedes, and we make our way to the battlefield, reverting back to our original forms. The atmosphere becomes charged with anticipation as we stand opposite each other, our stares unyielding. The weight of our shared history and diverging paths hung heavy in the air, adding intensity to the impending clash.

Locked in a profound gaze with my alternate self, the embodiment of diverging choices and experiences, I feel the weight of this clash of wills. With a shared understanding, we unleash a mighty roar, echoing our determination before commencing the battle. The sound reverberates across the battlefield, a declaration of our resolve and readiness to engage in this momentous confrontation.

With a resounding battle cry, I kick off the confrontation, channeling the forces of temporal energy. I unleash a ferocious Spacial Rend, a rending tear in the fabric of space hurtling toward my alternate self. Anticipating my move, the other me reacts swiftly, a flicker of azure aura heralding the invocation of Judgment. Multihued beams of overwhelming power collide mid-air, a breathtaking collision that lights up the battleground in a spectacular display of celestial brilliance.

Undeterred by the aftermath of the Judgment clash, I pivot with fluid grace, evading the residual effects of the celestial assault. In response, I unleash my own Judgment attack, aiming to strike with an array of radiant energy. However, my counterpart, anticipating my move, deftly sidesteps the assault, swiftly evading the incoming barrage.

Reacting swiftly, the other me retaliates, invoking Cosmic Power to fortify defenses. A shimmering, ethereal aura envelops my opponent, heightening their resilience against any ensuing attacks. The battlefield is now adorned with an intense aura, the very essence of our powers resonating with the cosmic energies that surround us.

Continuing the cosmic clash, I harness the potent energy of my Draco Plate, calling forth a potent force of nature—a formidable Draco Meteor hurtling through the expanse of the heavens. The radiant spheres streak toward my other self with intense velocity, a display of pure elemental power.

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