Chapter 14

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During our time in the Rota Kingdom, I've been diving headfirst into the enigma of the 'Violet Depression.' It's tied to the downfall of the Golly in this realm, or so my sleuthing has uncovered. Alice got hit with this sickness after enduring non-stop bullying at Kalos Boarding School. The torment got so bad she had to bail on school entirely. Every day, the attacks on her mental well-being just got worse. Alice was kept in the dark about the real deal, 'cause the truth could mess up everyone around her with the heavy negative vibes she was putting out.

The me from this world felt it was on him to take on Alice's struggle. He soaked up all that negative energy into his own self, landing him with the same sickness. Seeing his selfless move hit me hard, and I'm stoked their bond turned into a beautiful thing. They're an amazing couple, backing each other up no matter what.

The bullies, by some twisty fate, met their end in different ways. In this world, Minami stepped up as a savvy detective, digging into these mysterious deaths. But she hasn't cracked the case yet. I'm crossing my fingers she'll uncover the truth soon.

Today's the big day for the ceremony, but Lillie and I can't just waltz in and join the festivities. We've got to lay low in a spot off-limits to everyone else, and that's when he wants our help.

"You're really planning to take that potion?" I blurt out, totally taken aback. "But what if it messes you up? I mean, you said it yourself. That aphrodisiac is like a one-way ticket to Bonkersville, and even someone with aura powers will get hit..."

"And that's when you come in," the other me starts, and I brace myself for what's coming next. "I need you to cause a distraction, and make a huge commotion so everyone scrambles out of the palace. That way, Serena won't have the chance to, you know, do what she's planning. And as for the rest... Well, I've got a wonderful partner who can assist with that."

"Right..." I reply, pondering the situation. "So, how do we create a distraction? Got any ideas?"

"If you're really me from another world, then you've gotta be a skilled shooter too," The other me reason. "Here's the plan: You shoot the floor in front of me, and I'll use some ketchup to make a fake wound. That way, it'll look like someone's trying to take me out, and the crowd will freak out."

"Hey, what if I accidentally shoot you instead? I mean, what if something goes wrong, and I end up taking you down? Aren't you worried?" I ask with horror.

"If you're really me, you wouldn't do that, right?" the other me counters. "Plus, I'm not going down that easily. I've got some resilience in me."

"Alright..." I let out a sigh and head back to Lillie, who's just finished chatting with the other world's Alice. Lillie asks, "So, what did you find out?"

"I've got to play a shooting game and make a scene," I explain. "Luckily, the other me already tipped off the guards and the servants. I just have to make sure I don't end up hurting myself..."

"You'd better," Lillie mutters under her breath. "This is really risky and thoughtless... but then again, who am I to judge?"

As the time comes, we see a lot of people attending this dance ball, and I can also see Serena among the crowd, I might have to admit that she's striking, but compared to Alice, she's just not on the same level. I'm sure the other me is thinking about the same thing.

After the dance, we find Serena making a move, and we're observing from above.

"May I cut in, Ash?" Serena asks.

"It's Prince Ash to you," The other me replies in a cold tone, surprising Serena. "What are you doing at my coronation?"

"I really need to speak with you," Serena insists. "I just want to ask you to reconsider your decision."

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