Chapter 36

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As we arrive at the Primeval Grotto, we step into the cave and immediately notice scattered fossils on the ground alongside glowing red stones.

"What a curious cave. I sense an extraordinary power here — as if the world itself was created in this very place," Irida observes. "What do you think, Lian?"

After a moment's contemplation, Lian responds, "Taking into consideration my knowledge of ores, my skill at mining, and the strength of my Sliggoo's moves...I think you'd better leave any extraction work up to us, wouldn't you say?"

"Please, go ahead, Lian," Alice agrees.

However, just before we can proceed, a voice interrupts us, a voice we really don't want to hear. "We're going to have to ask you to stop right there."

The Miss Fortunes obstruct our path yet again, prompting a collective groan from our group. Throughout our travels to complete the Pokedex, they persistently seek us out for battles, despite occasionally dropping Soft Sands and Big Nuggets along the way. Yet, their presence feels akin to encountering another Team Rocket.

Adaman voices his exasperation, "Oh, come on... Who's there? We don't have any time to waste with— Clover?! We haven't seen you since you walked out on the clan! Where've you been all this time?!"

Clover grunts in response, "Hmph. I don't have to tell you nothin'."

"Look, you can carry on digging out that treasure you're after. And then you'll give it to us," Charm demands.

"Like we'll give it to you!" I retort, his Pikachu's cheeks sparking with electricity.

"I don't know why you even look surprised. It's not as if you were hard to follow." Coin retorts.

Irida mutters under her breath, "What we seek may be as precious as treasure, but this isn't about how valuable it is - we need it to restore this awful sky to normal!"

"Ugh. That earnest goody-two-shoes act of yours is what made me leave the Pearl Clan in the first place!" Coin snaps.

"Enough. I don't care why any of you ran off to play Bandit. But I won't let you get in Lian's way," Adaman declares sternly. "There are three of you and six of us. Let's go. Ash, Alice, and Rei? You take Charm."

Adaman releases his Umbreon, while Irida calls upon her Espeon. The two of them engage in battle against Clover's Abomasnow and Coin's Toxicroak. Meanwhile, our group faces off against Charm, who declares, "I bring good luck to my sisters wherever I go - and ill luck to anyone who crosses our paths. I'm the eldest, and I'll be your unlucky Charm. Especially in this: the battle of a lifetime!"

"I wonder why those villains like to say a lot of stupid things..." I mutter. "A true villain would just act before they talk..."

"I agree," Alice concurs, we command Samurott and Overqwil to confront her Rhydon and Gengar. I instruct, "Alice, you and Overqwil handle the Gengar. I'll take care of Rhydon."

"Okay," Alice nods in affirmation.

My Samurott lunges forward with Aqua Jet, slamming into Rhydon and causing it to roar in pain. Rhydon retaliates with Rock Slide, making Samurott flinch momentarily. However, Samurott counters with Razor Shell, swiftly knocking out the Pokémon.

Meanwhile, Gengar strikes with Hypnosis, leaving Overqwil drowsy. Despite this, Overqwil manages to land Dark Pulse, damaging Gengar, and then finishes it off with a powerful Crunch.

"Well, you are rather formidable..." Charm sighs, acknowledging the strength displayed by Adaman and Irida as they manage to defeat all of their opponent's Pokémon. Adaman attempts to reason, "Come on, Clover... Why not come back to the Diamond Clan? Times are changing. We're changing. And we could really use someone as strong as you are."

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