Chapter 22

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Flying high on Lunala, we're on the lookout for the elusive portal that can take us back home. Excitement fills the air as we're hopeful of finally discovering the path. Suddenly, a twist surprises us—a new portal appears out of nowhere, completely catching us off guard. Without a second to spare, we're pulled into its mysterious depths, our destination uncertain.

"Whoa! Talk about unexpected turns," I exclaim, my excitement tinged with a hint of worry. "Looks like we might have strayed even further from finding our way back home," Lillie remarks, her concern evident in her expression.

"Hey, where exactly are we this time?" I query as we take a look around our surroundings. It seems we've returned to the Kanto Region, but something's different—everything's in ruins, and it looks like a graveyard with nothing else in sight.

"Woah, are we really in Kanto? But what's with all these graves? This is getting really spooky," Lillie exclaims, her voice tinged with horror and disbelief.

Looking around, I can't believe my eyes: graves spread out before us. My parents, Professor Oak, and all of my Pokémon—each one of them resting in eternal slumber. Horror strikes me deeply, and shock overwhelms me as grief begins to wash over me. I drop to my knees, unable to fathom the sight before me. "This... this can't be real. What in the world is happening?"

Captain Phyco approaches me, a solemn expression on his face, and asks, "I assume you're familiar with these graves?"

"They're... they're everything dear to me," I manage to say, tears welling up in my eyes, my voice heavy with emotion.

Suddenly, a group of people clad in peculiar outfits surrounds us. Leading them are two individuals who shockingly resemble me and Lillie, but are different versions of ourselves. The other me steps forward, accompanied by Lillie's doppelgänger, and demands, "Who are you four, and what's your connection to Team Rainbow Rocket?"

"Team Rainbow Rocket? What are you talking about?" I ask, genuinely perplexed. The other Lillie seems to have recognized our outfits, and she interjects, "Wait a moment... those outfits, they're Team Ultra's uniforms."

"So, what brings Team Ultra here when your battlefield should be in the Alola Region?" the other version of me questions.

"Battlefield? I don't even know what you're talking about." My Lillie says.

"What do you mean by Team Ultra? We're the Ultra Recon Squad," Captain Phyco clarifies, a note of confusion evident in his voice.

As the confusion intensifies, Lillie and I exchange glances and make a decision. Slowly, we reach up and remove our helmets. The grunts standing beside the other versions of Ash and Lillie gasp in surprise as they see our faces, recognizing who we truly are.

"Who are you both, and why do you look exactly like us? Are you spies from Team Rainbow Rocket?" the other version of me demands, suspicion lacing their words. In response to the other me's actions, I swiftly react by using Protect to shield us from the impending attack of Judgement.

"Please, just calm down and hear us out! We might be versions of you two from another world!" I plead, attempting to reason with them. I quickly take action, using Thunder Wave to paralyze the other me, aiming to calm them down and create a moment to talk.

"He can use moves just like you," the other Lillie points out, gesturing toward me. "And Team Ultra also explores the Ultra Dimensions. I have to assume they're from another dimension," she concludes, piecing together the situation based on our abilities and affiliation.

"I'm glad the other Lillie is as sharp as my own Lillie," I remark, noticing my Lillie blushing slightly at the compliment.

As we're led to a tent, now alone with the other versions of ourselves, the other me breaks the silence, apologizing, "I'm sorry for attacking without realizing. I mistook you for an enemy..."

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