Chapter 45

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As Captain Phyco and Soliera depart, we stand before the mansion. Outside, Hau and Gladion are locked in combat against Team Skull, while inside, my counterpart and Lillie confront Lusamine.

"So, you've decided to make an appearance," Lusamine remarks. "A promising Trainer like Ash... and yet, you're the one he relies on? How underwhelming."

"I'm not seeking your validation, Mother! I don't require your consent! I'm here to rescue Cosmog!" The other Lillie says.

Lusamine raises an eyebrow, her voice cold and composed. "My... You do speak such incomprehensible things."

She scoffs dismissively. "Calling me mother? I don't have any children! Certainly not any wretched children who would run off and reject my love!"

Her tone sharpens as she challenges Lillie. "So tell me how you'll save that Pokémon. What can you do, Lillie? You failed to convince me to listen to you. You don't even have the strength of a Trainer. The only thing that you've ever done on your own is steal someone else's research material!"

As Lillie hears those words from Lusamine, panic begins to grip her. "I... I wonder if my mother would say similar things to me... What am I supposed to do?"

"We're in this together. I'm certain my Mom and Dad will lend their support too," I reassure Lillie.

"You're not beautiful enough for my world... but fine. Since you're here anyway, you can watch me summon my sweet beast. And can leave." Lusamine declares, turning away.

"Mother, I'm not being foolish or selfish... Please, listen!" The other Lillie pleads desperately. "Don't sacrifice Cosmog for that beast's sake! If you open the Ultra Wormhole, Cosmog will... Cosmog will die!"

"You're right... it probably will die. Because I'm going to force it to use its power whether it wants to or not!" Lusamine opens the portal, steps onto it, then teleports away. As she vanishes, she adds, "Maybe if you really had been a daughter to me, I would have listened to you... Too bad."

As Lillie suggests, we make our way to the trophy room. Upon entering, a wave of sickness washes over us at the sight that greets us. The Pokémon, frozen in time, appear blissful and vibrant, yet completely immobilized. Their frozen states, seemingly alive and content, evoke a deep sense of unease within us. The juxtaposition of their happy appearances and their frozen forms creates a haunting and unsettling atmosphere.

"What do you think? This is my private collection," Lusamine announces with an air of ownership and pride. "My precious babies... They will all be preserved for eternity in this place." Her words ring with a chilling possessiveness, casting a disturbing light on her attachment to the frozen Pokémon.

"This... this isn't right," the other me mutters, his voice filled with disbelief and dismay.

"But my poor beast... What confusion, what rage must it feel, arriving in this strange world?" Lusamine muses aloud. "It would not be right to confine its feelings in such a small case as these ones... It will need to express itself. I think I will let it express all its fury upon the Alola region as it will!"

As Hau and Gladion finally arrive after defeating the grunts outside, Lusamine acknowledges their presence. "Ah, sweet Hau. You've come as well? Hmph. And Gladion. Must you always be so disorderly?" Her tone carries a mixture of condescension towards Hau and disdain towards Gladion.

Gladion steps forward, urgently pleading with Lusamine, "Will you listen to me, at least? You mustn't open the Ultra Wormhole. You cannot allow the beasts to run wild!"

Lusamine's eyes shut tightly before she bursts out, her voice filled with anguish and resentment. "The daughter who stole my Cosmog from me and the son who took my Type: Null! All I ever did was give you two all the love I had, and all you did was betray me! You have no right to ask for my attention now!"

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