Chapter 34

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Back at the Jubilife Village, Akari watches as the Security Corps rush out of the Jubilife Village with Commander Kamado. She is very worried that something might happen. But while she's thinking, she notices Alice and me rush into the village and head towards the Galaxy Hall.

"Alice, Rei, and Ash?!" Akari gasps as she rushes towards us. "Welcome back. It's been grim here. We in the Survey Corps hardly even speak to one another lately...But with you back, maybe Captain Cyllene's appetite for potato mochi will return!"

I nod. "Really nice knowing that she cares for us a lot."

"Anyway, wait here a minute, will you? I'll go and let the captain know you're back," Akari says as she rushes first. After a while, Akari comes back with Laventon.

"Oh, my dear Ash, Alice, and Rei..." Laventon says as he hugs all of us.

"The professor has been awfully worried about you, Ash, Rei, and Alice," Akari says.

"Of course, I was worried! But I don't think I could hold a candle to the distress you showed, Akari," Laventon says.

"T-that's blowing it out of proportion!" Akari frowns. "I don't think it's appropriate for an adult to make things up just to hide their embarrassment. But, um, where is the captain? Wasn't she coming along with you, Professor?"

"She's buried under a mound of work, I'm afraid. We're to join her in the Survey Corps office," Laventon says. "It seems her hands are more than full now that Commander Kamado's gone."

"So he has already set off, huh..." I ask.

"Well, he set out for Mount Coronet with the Security Corps in tow," Laventon says. "He's determined to handle this whole space-time rift business himself...including dealing with the Pokémon that's been spotted on the other side."

"That's why I was filling in for the regular guards, with Pikachu at the ready," Akari says.

"Well, we aren't getting anywhere out here. Let's head inside and report to the captain," Laventon adds as we all head to the Galaxy Hall.

Alice, Rei, and I are now in the Galaxy Hall with Cyllene, Laventon, and Akari. Cyllene says, "So you three managed not to die. Just as I ordered. Well done."

"Thanks to you, Captain," I say, referring to her lending her Abra so that we can switch out our Pokémon from the pastures.

"I have no idea what you're implying. All I know is Abra vanished of its own accord - inconveniencing me greatly," Cyllene says. "Before moving forward, I must ask...I assume that you are here again because you've managed to learn something of use?"

Alice holds the Red Chain and says, "We have this, the Red Chain."

"Go on," Cyllene urges as Alice and I recount our visit to the three lakes.

"A legendary tool said to bind the very world...Commander Kamado is no longer here in Jubilife Village. The Security Corps had been scouting the area near the space-time rift...and they reported sightings of something on the other side of it. Something that resembled a Pokemon. The commander made the decision to take the Security Corps to the mountain so as to prepare to fend off any possible threat. They were to make for the temple at the peak."

Akari says, "However strong the commander himself may be, he should've gotten Ash, Rei, and Alice to help..."

"As the captain of the Survey Corps, I hereby order you to proceed as follows. Ash, Rei, and Alice. Take that Red Chain to Mount Coronet, make your way to the peak, and put an end to all this. Not only you're officially reinstated at your former rank, but you also have my permission to get another star in your rank."

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