Chapter 17

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As we soared through the Dimensions, our arrival led us to an unexpected destination—a realm within the Sevestar Region. However, something perplexing had occurred: this familiar place now lay shrouded in an unyielding ice age. Lillie's voice trembled with disbelief as she uttered, "What in the world is happening here? The entirety of this world seems to have succumbed to ice..."

"Looks like we've landed in the wrong dimension once more... but what on earth is happening here?" I exclaimed, my voice tinged with horror. The biting cold had taken its toll, evident in the shivers wracking Absol and Zoroark. Without hesitation, I summoned Charizard, relying on its fiery warmth to shield them from the freezing chill.

"Seems like we've taken a detour from returning to your world and stumbled upon a realm trapped in eternal ice," Captain Phyco remarked, a note of observation in their voice.

"Lunala might have had its reasons for bringing us here, but as always, it needs time to recuperate before resuming its dimensional travels," Soliera suggested thoughtfully. "I propose we seek assistance from someone in this area. Clearly, the cold is dampening the spirits of not just us but also Lunala."

"Thankfully, our suits come equipped with built-in heaters, ensuring our well-being as long as we keep them on," Captain Phyco reassured, emphasizing the importance of maintaining their protective gear.

"Why, hello there! What brings you to this realm?" We looked up to see a young girl making her way toward us, her features reminiscent of Serena's, yet with white hair. Beside her stood a shiny Mawile and a Froslass, both poised at her side. "I must admit, your suits are quite peculiar-looking," she remarked with a hint of curiosity.

"Ah, yes, well, these suits are actually designed to keep us warm," I explained, attempting to justify our peculiar attire. However, the incredulous expressions from my companions made it clear they were silently questioning my explanation with looks that seemed to say, "Seriously?"

Spotting the Charizard nearby, she pointed and inquired, "Is that your Charizard? It bears a resemblance to my Dad's."

"That's my Charizard, indeed. Your dad?" I questioned, a hint of surprise in my voice. "And your dad's name?"

"Ah, my apologies! I'm Sarah Ketchum," she introduced herself with a grin. "And my father is none other than the renowned World Champion, Ash Ketchum!"

Wait, I have a daughter in this dimension this time? How old am I actually in this timeline? Lillie, equally surprised, chimed in, "Hold on, your father is Ash Ketchum? What about your mother?"

"My Mom? It seems you're unaware of quite a bit," Sarah replied with a chuckle. "My mother is none other than the renowned Top Coordinator and Sevestar Princess, Serena Ketchum, of course."

So this time it is me and Serena? Well, considering that there is one with me and Lillie, one with me and Alice... "That reminds me," Sarah pondered aloud, her gaze shifting between us. "Your voice sounds remarkably similar to Lillie's. What's the deal with that?"

Captain Phyco interjected politely, "Apologies for the rush, but we're in need of a place for our Lunalas to rest. Could you guide us to a suitable spot?"

Sarah glanced around, realizing her oversight. "Oh, my bad. Seems I got carried away and didn't notice your Pokémon still waiting outside."

As we trailed behind Sarah, we entered the grand Sevestar Castle, our temporary shelter. Sarah's voice echoed through the halls as she called out, "Mom, Dad! I've brought some weirdos home. Care to come and greet them?"

"Weirdos? Us?" It seemed a collective thought crossed our minds as we encountered this alternate version of myself. His jet-black hair was tousled and his brown eyes gazed vacantly into the night sky. He sported a lengthy, ebony coat over a gray T-shirt, paired with jet-black pants, black winter boots, and fingerless gloves in the same shade. Alongside this alternate me, Serena emerged—her appearance marked by long, wavy, honey-blond hair and piercing blue eyes. She donned a striking red winter coat, complemented by light pink snow pants and sturdy brown boots.

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