Chapter 33

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As we journey through the Ultra Spaces, a portal emerges, seemingly leading us back home. However, just as we approach it, the portal vanishes once more, leaving us stranded. Moreover, we're compelled to halt our progress in another dimension as Lunalas, our trusted companions, begin to tire.

As we materialize in this dimension, our hearts sink at the sight that unfolds before us. The landscape is ravaged by mass destruction, shrouded in billowing smoke. The inhabitants, both people and Pokémon alike, are gripped by despair. Legendary Pokémon, once revered, have succumbed to madness, unleashing devastating beams and attacks upon the town, adding to the chaos and devastation.

"Something's terribly wrong... The Legendary and Mythical Pokémon are attacking the entire world..." Lillie gasps in horror, her voice trembling with shock and disbelief.

"And look at those uniforms..." I exclaim as we notice six figures adorned in distinct attire, commanding the Legendary and Mythical Pokémon. My heart sinks as recognition dawns upon me—I know those uniforms all too well. They belong to Team Alpha, an organization formed by the unification of 19 families, dedicated to safeguarding the world. Yet, their current actions seem to contradict their sworn purpose.

"It's the Ultra Recon Squad! What are you doing here?" the Team Alpha member exclaims upon spotting us, a mixture of surprise and suspicion evident in his voice.

I turn to Captain Phyco, seeking insight. "You know about this world, Captain Phyco?"

"Sad to say, I do know about this world," Captain Phyco responds grimly. "They entrusted us with the Poison Gem for safekeeping, but two individuals from this world requested its return. That's when I give them back."

The hooded figure speaks up, saying, "Return? So that means you've probably met Golly and Gladion... But what are you doing here?"

Captain Phyco nods solemnly. "We are here for another mission, that is, to bring these two back to their homes."

As he gestures towards us, the hooded figure inquires, "Who are you two? And where do you come from?"

As Lillie and I choose to remove our helmets, the hooded figure appears surprised as our faces are unveiled. In a startling revelation, the figure removes the hood, exposing an unexpected sight—it's me, an alternate version from this timeline, staring back in disbelief.

"You are me... but from another world?" The version of me from this reality seems quick to grasp the situation unfolding before us.

"Yes, I am you. Our Lillie was teleported away from our world by Nebby. We've been traversing dimensions to bring her back, navigating the complexities of Ultra Space. However, returning home has proven to be a challenge," I explain to the alternate version of myself, sharing our purpose and the challenges faced in our interdimensional journey.

"In our world, Team Alpha is a group dedicated to stopping all evil and saving the world. But right now, you're causing destruction with the Legendary and Mythical Pokémon. Why?" Lillie inquires, her voice tinged with concern and confusion.

"The truth cannot be discussed here. Mewtwo, teleport them to our base," the other version of me commands.

Suddenly, Mewtwo materializes and swiftly teleports us to a familiar location - a house that I recognize as the residence in Pallet Town. However, as I glance out the window, a disconcerting sight greets me—there's nothing but an endless expanse of snow-covered terrain, a stark deviation from the usual serene landscape of Pallet Town.

After a brief interval, the other version of myself returns, leading us to a meeting room within their base. To our surprise, we're not alone; this world's Serena is present. Her attire appears disheveled, and her once immaculate hair now appears unkempt and tousled, suggesting recent turmoil or struggle.

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