Chapter 4

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The next morning, we wake up from our rest, stirred by Akari's voice calling out from behind the door. "Good morning, Ash, Alice, Rei. Are you up? Quite some lightning last night, wasn't it?"

We heard the lightning outside, but we didn't feel inclined to investigate what might be happening because of our fatigue.

"Today's the day of your trials. So, er...let's give it our all!" Akari adds.

Then we head outside of the lodgement and meet Akari, who greets us. "What lovely weather we've got! I hope you three had a nice sleep, even if this land is strange and new to you."

"Yeah..." Alice says. "It was some good sleep."

"Let's go to the headquarters, Captain Cyllene is waiting." Akari says, leading us to the Galaxy Hall. Upon entering the hall, we are struck by its size. Akari points out, "The Survey Corps' offices are on the first fl-"

"Don't give up! Keep those eyes open!" Akari is interrupted as we hear a noise emanating from one of the rooms.

"The wild Pokemon, they... they were everywhere. Attacking from all sides... I sent out my partner Pokemon, but... against a whole pack... Outnumbered..."

"This is what happens when you go so far afield! But the Medical Corps will put you to rights."

Akari turns to the three of us and explains, "That man's with the Security Corps...and even with his own partner, he took a beating from wild Pokemon. Without a partner Pokemon of your own, you might find this trial...particularly trying."

I say, "Well, it's a good thing that we have Pikachu and Espeon here."

Alice says, "Yeah, you two can help us, right?" Both Pokemon nod in agreement.

"Captain Cyllene? Ash, Alice, and Rei are here," Akari calls at the door. We notice Captain Cyllene engrossed in some documents, and she says, "You may enter."

After entering her office, she walks towards us and says, "Let's get straight to it. If you wish to join the Galaxy Expedition Team, prove yourself capable by going out into the Obsidian Fieldlands and catching three different species of Pokemon: Bidoof, Starly, and Shinx."

"Catching three Pokemon from the start? No one in the Galaxy Team has ever managed that..."

"Did these strangers not catch three different Pokemon only yesterday?" Cyllene asks. "My trial should be simple enough for them - if the professor wasn't exaggerating things, that is."

She turns to us and continues, "The Galaxy Team does not have the means to provide for those who only take without giving. If you wish to stay, you must prove beyond any doubt that you'll be an asset to our cause."

"Okay. We'll do it." We say in unison.

"I will lend you three of our Survey Corps satchels to carry whatever you may need in the field." Cyllene says as two guards bring us the satchels and we tie them to our waists.

"The satchels don't exactly match your, er, mode of dress..." Akari frowns.

"Akari. I'll expect you to step in if anything goes awry." Cyllene appoints.

The Professor Laventon says, "Pardon, Ash, Alice, and Rei! Come with me a moment!"

We follow him to the hallway and he says, "Now then, a jolly good morning to everyone!"

"Is something the matter, Professor Laventon?" Rei asks.

"In order to complete our Pokedex and, well, simply survive in this unforgiving land... Ash, Alice, and Rei absolutely must pass this trial! And as a professor of Pokemon, I've got just the ticket to help accomplish that!"

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