Chapter 10

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During this week of exploring the alternate realm with the other versions of ourselves, we have met every other counterparts and they are surprised to see us. We are also surprised that everyone is a member of the Sevestar League. Not to mention, we uncovered fascinating revelations. In this parallel reality, I discovered that my counterpart is a skilled Grand Aura User. Surprisingly, the alternate Lillie possesses the ability to harness the Ice Aura, a revelation that resonates with her family's representation of the Ice type within Team Alpha in our familiar world.

The revelation that the alternate version of Lillie embodies a fusion of Dawn, Serena, and herself takes us by utter surprise. While I'm familiar with the concept of using Double Team and can empathize with the experiences of individuals like N and Alain, the amalgamation of Serena, Dawn, and Lillie into a singular entity is truly astonishing.

"But what about Alice? Is she also present in this alternate realm?" My Lillie inquires, and a solemn shift descends upon the atmosphere. The other Lillie discloses with a heavy tone, "The Alice in our world... she's no longer with us, she's gone."

Both of us gasp in shock, and the other me says, "A while back, after facing a global onslaught, we discovered that the world was rallying its forces to launch a coordinated attack on our island. Realizing the imminent threat, we made the call to take the offensive this time, with our primary objective being to neutralize Mr. Goodshow. It's a tough decision, but we know it's necessary to protect our home."

"And we've also gone all out to eliminate as many trainers and their Pokémon as possible." The other Lillie reveals. "You have to understand, in this world, everything is black and white. It's either kill or be killed. And when we finally find a chance to escape without causing further harm, Goh and Chloe sneak into our ship. Shockingly, Goh is the one who takes Alice's life, shooting her through the chest. My Elite Four role was given to me because of her death."

"But that sounds wrong..." I say. "I think this whole world is really messed up... just because of something our ancestors' did..."

My counterpart questions, "Based on that, it seems like you haven't experienced something known as killing, am I correct?"

"No, we're accustomed to dealing with threats, but our focus is on eliminating those who actively seek to harm the world—criminals like Pokémon Hunters, Team Rocket, Team Galactic, Team Flare," I respond. "However, attacking trainers simply due to differing opinions goes against our principles. It's just not right."

My Lillie says, "Ash's right. Can't you guys just solve it peacefully? Great power comes with great responsibility, after all!"

My counterpart suddenly exclaims, "THERE'S NO WAY!"

Both Lillie and I flinch, and then my counterpart sighs, "I apologize for my outburst... I've tried to initiate peace talks with the current Champions and Mr. Goodshow, but they're not receptive. From their perspective, our existence is seen as a threat that justifies elimination, regardless of the circumstances."

"The stubbornness runs deep." The other Lillie adds. "My husband is right. The hatred is not easy to forget, especially considering it's been 2000 years since it all began."

My counterpart sighs, "Shouldn't it be us Aura Users who meet our end? At least then, the death toll on the island would be but a fraction of what the rest of the world would face. It's a fact that if Aura Users cease to exist altogether, the problem will vanish. Yet, I can't bring myself to accept such a final resolution."

"Of course, we're not suggesting that you should take your own lives... This world is truly messed up." I clenches my fist.

"We have another solution that exclusively benefits the Aura Users. It's called 'The Rumbling'." The other Lillie reveals.

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