Chapter 23

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After a grueling ascent up the mountain, we finally reach the Celestica Ruins. Here stand the statues of Dialga and Palkia, alongside one that once depicted Giratina, now in ruins.

"Why has Giratina's statue been destroyed?" Alice asks me.

"I don't know... You know, I was also pondering the same thing," I reply.

Rei says, "You did read in the Pokedex that Giratina was banished to the Distortion World, so I suppose locals here perceive her as evil?"

"She's not malevolent if you understand her," I retort. Then, we notice some Voltorb on the way, and I ask, "Are those Voltorbs?"

"Well, they are Hisuian Voltorbs, and they are Electric and Grass Types," Rei explains. We decide to capture one right away.

Voltorb (Hisuian Form): The Sphere Pokemon: Electric and Grass Type. An enigmatic Pokémon that happens to bear a resemblance to a Poké Ball. When excited, it discharges the electric current it has stored in its belly, then lets out a great, uproarious laugh.

As we advance, we spot Melli up ahead. "So this is where the Lord of the Hollow resides..." Alice remarks.

Melli greets us, "Welcome to Moonview Arena - the seat of Lord Electrode! I know I've not exactly been supportive of you reaching this place, but a part of me did hope you'd make it. Call me contradictory all you like, Galaxy grunts, but such is life. Embracing the complexity of both ourselves and the world can only help us grow. As a member of the Diamond Clan, my highest calling is to please the almighty Sinnoh. And right now, that means I must protect my lord by stopping you where you stand!"

"Again?" The three of us express our dissatisfaction with Melli's actions.

"If you still wish to defeat me and gain entry to Electrode's seat, you and your Pokémon are welcome to give it your best shot! Let's go, Skuntank! Give them another whiff of your silent deadliness!"

I engage in battle with Torterra against the Skuntank. Torterra gets poisoned by the Poison Jab, but I smirk, having Torterra use Synthesis to recover its health after the poison attacks. However, to our surprise, the Skuntank calls for backup, summoning a Zubat and a Skorupi.

"Three on one is not fair..." Alice protests, but I halt her, saying, "Don't worry about me, Alice. Bulldoze!"

Torterra stomps on the ground, swiftly knocking out the Skorupi. It then executes Rock Tomb to defeat Zubat. Finally, using Headlong rUSH, Torterra takes down the remaining Skuntank. I remark, "You truly lost this time, even trying to defeat me and my Pokémon with an unfair advantage."

"Let's make one thing clear: I didn't lose! You may have won... but there's a difference!" Melli asserts. "I just lacked... err... time! Yes, I'm afraid there simply wasn't enough time for me to raise my Pokémon nice and strong!"

Just then, Melli seems to realize something and gasps, "Ah! Could this be why Adaman is always going on and on about time being a precious thing?! My word, the Diamond Clan and almighty Sinnoh truly are never-ending founts of wisdom!"

"Now?" Rei inquires.

"Yes, yes, I know what comes next. You want to know what pleases Lord Electrode so you can make some balms for it," Melli says. "Well, I'm afraid I won't be able to help you..."

"Why not?" Alice asks.

"Because I have completely forgotten what Electrode likes!" Melli confesses.

We glare at the man in front of us, and he jests, "What's the matter? Upset? Too bad anger doesn't make balms!"

"Melli's really giving you the runaround, isn't he?" Adaman finally shows up and helps us. "I guess it's my fault for not telling you in advance what Electrode likes. So here's the-"

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