Chapter 7

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Captain Phyco, Soliera, Lillie, and I have just touched down on the ground nearby. As we survey our surroundings, we quickly realize that we've landed inside a ranch. Lillie says, "This is the Sevestar Region right? Does that mean we're back?"

"I don't know..." I say. "For some reason, it looks different..."

At that moment, the unsettling echoes of gunfire and booming cannons reverberate through the air, assaulting our senses. Reacting swiftly, we dash up the cliffside, our urgency fueled by the ominous symphony of the battle unfolding before us. As we crest the ridge, a harrowing tableau unfolds—a full-fledged war rages on.

People and Pokemon are locked in a chaotic struggle, their fervor driven by a desperate bid for survival or perhaps a more ominous agenda. The clash of blades, the roars of Pokemon, and the acrid scent of gunpowder combine to create an atmosphere of tension and dread. We find ourselves unwitting spectators to a conflict that threatens to consume all in its path.

"Ash... is Sevestar engaged in a war with the other regions?" Lillie's voice trembles.

"There's no way... Sevestar has maintained strong relationships with all the other countries," I reply. "Just what is going on here?"

Captain Phyco retrieves a device, swiftly activating it to scan the area. He solemnly declares, "There's no doubt about it. This is one of the Ultra Dimensions, distinctly different from the world you're accustomed to. We've landed in the wrong reality."

Turning to Soliera, who is diligently checking on the Lunalas, he inquires, "How long do we need for the Lunala to recover from the blast it endured during the Ultra Wrap Ride?"

"I'm not sure; we need the right energy source for Lunala to recover. The challenge is, how do we locate that energy source? I'm completely in the dark about it." Soliera admits, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Suddenly, we find ourselves encircled by a formidable group of soldiers, their expressions stern and weapons at the ready. A commanding voice pierces the tense air, demanding, "Raise your hands and make no attempt to resist!"

In unison, we comply, lifting our hands in a gesture of surrender. Trying to convey urgency, I shout, "Hold on! We're not your enemies!"

At that moment, the man looks at me and Lillie, a sudden realization dawning upon him. Swiftly, he kneels before us, his tone now laced with both regret and reverence. "Prince Ash and Princess Lillie! Please accept our sincere apologies for not recognizing you. We deeply regret the mistaken accusation, and we are truly sorry for any distress it may have caused."

"Prince and Princess?" We look at each other as the man elaborates, "But what are you doing here? Weren't you in the Kanto Region, attempting to rescue Miss Chloe Cerise and her parents?"

What is he talking about? Saving Chloe Cerise and her family? What is wrong with them? If I can locate my parents in this dimension, perhaps they would be willing to listen to our story. I assert, "We must see my father. Is he currently at the castle?"

"Lord Ketchum is in the castle," He informs, then turns to the soldiers, commanding, "Escort them to the castle immediately!"

"Yes, sir!" respond the soldiers in unison, prepared to lead us to our destination.

Once inside the castle and reunited with my father, we decide to tell him the truth, introducing Captain Phyco and Soliera to provide a comprehensive understanding of our unexpected arrival.

"So, if I understand correctly, you both are Ash and Lillie from another dimension. Your presence here is a result of Lunala being struck during your interdimensional journey, compelling you to remain until Lunala can recuperate. Am I correct?" My alternate father asks me.

1. Ash's Story (Part 8: Ancient Sinnoh and Ultra Dimensions)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن