Chapter 41

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When utilizing our Ultra Space GPS to navigate through the preservation area, we employ the concealing ability of the Ultra Spacesuit to observe forthcoming events. It appears that another version of myself and Hau is currently standing before Ms. Lusamine.

"Mom..." Lillie murmurs, her expression contorted in a frown, still affected by the unpleasant encounter with her before being teleported here into the Ultra Space.

"Ah... You must be Ash and Hau. Welcome to Aether Paradise, the Aether Foundation's private island," Ms. Lusamine addresses the duo. "I am the president of the foundation. But please, just call me Lusamine. I'm delighted that we have this opportunity to meet."

"It's nice to meet you," both Ash and Hau reply. I can sense that my other self is feeling rather uneasy in her presence.

"I'm glad there are people like you, who travel the islands to learn more about Pokémon..." Lusamine begins, her tone earnest. "But there are also those unfortunate people who harm Pokémon for their own selfish reasons or even for profit. And that is why I am here. I will be like a mother to all of those poor Pokémon and shower them with love. Even Pokémon from distant worlds, far from the Alola region, are worthy of my love."

"Wow, Miss Lusamine! I don't know how you do all this! You're, like, not even that much older than us!" Hau exclaims, expressing his admiration and surprise at Lusamine's accomplishments.

Lusamine chuckles warmly and responds, "Oh, you sweet boy! I'm already over 40!" Her laughter carries a hint of amusement at Hau's surprise regarding her age.

My Lillie says, "Yeah, it was really surprising when people ask Mom about her age..."

"You are?" Hau says, but then his face turns into shock, "Wait, WHAT?!"

"Oh, you! The right style does wonders, you know. And, Hau, your style is a bit wanting, hm? I'll have to take you out sometime and help you pick a smashing outfit," Lusamine says with a chuckle, teasing Hau about his reaction while playfully offering fashion advice.

Hau stammers, "L-like what you wear? I don't think anyone else could pull off that kind of look! Except maybe Lillie..."

We start to worry when Hau mentions Lillie in front of Ms. Lusamine. We glance at Lusamine, expecting a reaction, she simply blinks for a moment before remarking, "Oh, don't you worry. You just leave everything up to me. Trust me—children would all be much happier if they'd only listen to the adults around them." Her response carries a hint of assurance and a subtle suggestion of her authority in guiding children.

My Lillie trembles, "That's not what my Mom would say to me at all... This mom from this dimension is creepy..."

The words escape Lillie's lips as she expresses her discomfort, feeling the stark difference between the Lusamine in this dimension and her own mother. Her unease is evident in her trembling voice, signaling her uneasiness and perception of this alternate dimension's Lusamine as unsettling and unlike her own caring mother.

Just as the atmosphere grows tense, the ground begins to tremble, causing the Pokémon around them to stir in panic.

"That tremor... Did something happen on the lower floors?" Wicke inquires, concern evident in her voice.

To our amazement, a wormhole materializes right before us, and a peculiar jellyfish-like Pokémon emerges, flying out of the rift with surprising swiftness. The sudden appearance of the jellyfish Pokémon leaves everyone stunned and curious about its origins.

Captain Phyco says, "Nihilego... what in the world is it doing here?"

"Did you come... from another world?" Lusamine inquires gently, addressing the jellyfish Pokémon.

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