Chapter 76. Blood Orange (David)

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   [xxx - mature content warning]

   (Present time)

   "Are you going to feed me again?" I make myself comfortable on the sofa, ready to enjoy watching Ryo take products out of the fridge and arrange them on the kitchen counter. 

   I do not mind him cooking for me every day without any clothes on. There is hardly another person who feels more at ease than him while walking around naked. He has every right to be so. His slim, agile body is in a league of its own. Every muscle is well-defined and strong. The color of his tanned skin reminds me of a perfectly toasted bagel. Maybe that is why I constantly feel the urge to lick it. Gazing at him is turning into an obsession, but I do not mind. It is too good to even consider looking away.

   "No underwear this time?" I feel brave enough to tease my boyfriend. "What if you accidentally burn something that you might need later? Have you forgotten that some body parts do not fully belong to you anymore? I think I own at least fifty percent of the rights to them now. Be careful if you do not want to pay damages for any loss of profit I suffer because of your unwavering desire for cooking."

   "Lost profits, huh?" Ryo starts cackling. "A businessman in action. This is damn hot, you know. I can not deny that it is pretty flattering to have someone claim ownership over me. I like it. You should not worry, Angel San. I have no intention to go anywhere near the stove, but I will feed you all right. You might even earn more than you bargained for."

   "Do you ever run out of energy?" I ask, watching his biceps contract as he peels the oranges and cuts them into identical round slices. The kitchen island blocks my view of his long, smooth thighs and the piece of art between them. I frown. He smirks as if having read my thoughts. The man is the impersonation of pure seduction and is well aware of the fact. Who can resist? Not me. I clear my throat. "You always seem to get into the full swing no matter what you do. Don't you sometimes just want to lie down and stare at the ceiling until you fall asleep?"

   "I don't really have time to slack off. If I earnestly want something, I put my all into achieving it. Ambition fuels me with unlimited vigor." Ryo raises his head and directs his striking, obsidian eyes at me. "I can't afford to fail."

   "What is it that you are so enthused by?" I barely breathe out. His intense gaze still makes me a little nervous. It is not something I can get used to, especially when he is set on challenging me.

   Ryo smiles and points a finger at my chest. "You."

   "I... Cough! Oh..." My cheeks heat up. Why is it so easy for him to make me blush from the toes to the roots of my hair after everything we have been through? "You... h-have me... No need to..."

   "First, I take nothing for granted." He chuckles softly and goes back to cutting some pickled beets and putting all the ingredients in a large bowl. "And second, if I leave it to you, there will be only sex and no food. We'll die of hunger and exhaustion on top of each other."

   "But happy at least," I mutter. "For me, it certainly applies."

   "I'd be happier if we were healthier and it lasted longer," he cheekily says. "That would mean more sex as well, so here is your motivation."

   "Fine!" I roll my eyes. "However, I feel obliged to point out that I am not the hornier one as you are trying to imply again. This is your assertion, which is totally unsupported by any evidence."

   "Really? No evidence, you say." Ryo leans on his elbows to bend over the counter. He glances at my full erection and a victorious grin blooms on his face. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry! My bad."

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