Chapter 9. 凌* (Ryo)

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*Kanji, used to write the name Ryō, meaning endure, stave off, defy

   (Present time)

   "Oh," Angel blinks few times, staring into my eyes. He is not as taken aback as I expected. Perhaps, he was wondering about the same. "This is a fair question. You have every right to ask it."

   "I am not doing it to make you feel uncomfortable," I smile. "It's just that we don't have too much time. I need to know what to do next."

   "Friends," he repeats thoughtfully. "I don't think this is possible. Don't get me wrong, I really like you. You are a direct person and I have always appreciated straightforwardness, but I rarely leave my house. I prefer to avoid people. I am the least suitable to be someone's friend. I also think that you know exactly what you want and it is not a new buddy."

   We laugh. This man is really perceptive and quite smart. It is not easy to deceive him and now that I am getting to know him a little bit better, it is the last thing I would want. He deserves nothing but honesty. 

   "Angel, I do not usually opt for a second date," I confess. "I travel a lot. I can't afford to be held back by anything."

   "To search?" he tilts his head to study my face better. "You are looking for that thing you are after, all over the world, aren't you?"

   "Hai," I nod. "Watashiha kesshite akiramemasen." (I will never give up.)

   "I guess, it is really important," Angel mumbles more to himself. I have no idea why I am telling him all of this and why I am so fascinated by his reactions. "In this case, I wish you success. I hope you find it soon."

   "Thank you!" I feel warm inside, as if his support is something essential that I need in order to succeed. "I will do my best."

   "So, time to decide, huh?" he sips some water again and brushes the non-existent dust from his sleeve. "Can I ask you if you actually want to... mmm... be with me, I mean..."

   "I do," I answer quicker than I wish and sit on the floor in front of him, placing my hands on the sofa, on either side of his knees, careful not to touch him. "I want you."

   "Oh... I..." he covers his cheeks with his palms, trying to hide the blush. His hands are trembling. "I am flattered... I... God!... Sorry! I have no idea what to say. I hope you realize that I have no idea how this should be done."

   I watch him carefully. My body is still. His face reveals the entire struggle inside him. He is fighting his own common sense which is telling him that this might be dangerous, that I am a complete stranger who wants something he has not let anyone have before. And yet, he can't avert his gaze from my mouth. 

   This perfect man is intelligent. He has already figured out that I am much more than what I show on the surface. He has sensed the predator. I can't deny that he is right. I am here for his full surrender, but unlike all the previous times, I have an equal opponent. If I take what I want, it will be only because he decides to give it. 

   "You have never been touched before, have you?" I ask and take off my jacket, throwing it on the nearby chair. Angel gulps heavily and nods in confirmation. He has already lost the battle. One last push and he will give in. I slowly take off my shirt and tuck my hair behind my ears. His eyes widen. He takes in the view, desperately trying to calm his breathing. 

   I look him in the eye and say firmly, "I will tell you how this will happen. You just do everything I tell you without being afraid. You have to trust me that I will not hurt you."

   "I believe you," he whispers. "It is strange, but I really do."

   "It is very easy then," I push further. "Say the word! Do you feel..."

   "SAFE," he breathes out.

   My heart skips a beat. A sharp jolt of pain rushes through my body, making me cringe. Without even realizing it, I raise my hand and press my fingers to his lips. "Mokkai itte!" (Repeat it!)

   "Safe," he repeats in surprise. "I feel safe with you. That was the word, wasn't it?"

   "Yes, Angel, yes," I pull my hand away and stare at my fingers. What is the matter with me? This can't be. I'm going crazy. It's impossible. I need to brace myself before I frighten him. "I apologize. I didn't want to startle you."

   "You haven't," he hesitantly runs the tips of his fingers where I touched him. "It's ok... umm... I still don't know how to call you."

   "Ryo," I mumble. "My name is Ryo."    


Photo 214920659 © Photoaliona |


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Did you expect David to choose to be Ryo's lover?

 Time for theories 😀

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