Chapter 75. Silly Cat, Cunning Mouse (David)

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   (Present Time)

   I step on the grass and can't help but burst into laughter. When was the last time I ran barefoot around the garden? I must have been no older than twelve. It is so good. Maybe, not particularly hygienic, but absolutely great. I feel like a child again. 

   I used to be carefree and happy a long time ago, full of curiosity and excitement about everything. And then, suddenly, I just wasn't anymore. As if someone snapped their fingers, and all the joy was gone. In fact, that someone was most likely me. I myself decided that the cheeky kid did not deserve happiness. Because he hurt Ryo. I never wanted it, but I still inflicted so much harm on him. How could I keep on being happy when he was not? Or at least I had no idea where he was and how he felt. I was desperately searching for proof that he was ok. The fear of failing and never finding out the truth made me forget the boy with the most mesmerizing eyes. Now I know he was seeking redemption, too. Ryo has been looking for me all this time. He was braver and chose to remember.

   Guilt can ruin one's very existence. But it is also unnecessary. Guilt can not alter the past. It only poisons the present and changes the future. I will not allow it any longer. What's done was done. It was not my fault. That chapter of my life is closed. 

   I breathe in deeply the fresh summer scent and smile. I do not care if my feet get dirty or my pale skin burns without protection in the afternoon sun. I feel happy again. Nothing can ruin it.

   Being stark naked outside, in broad daylight, is a whole new experience. That I have never done for sure. No one can see me behind the thick, three-foot-high wall. The thuja trees, lined up on the inside along its entire length, are twice as high. I would never set my foot in the garden if I was not sure as eggs that my place of safety was completely hidden from prying eyes. The thought soothes my nerves. Not for long. It comes to my mind that there is always the possibility of someone flying a drone over the property. It has not happened so far, but you never know...

   For heaven's sake! Why would anyone do it? I am not some kind of a celebrity. A drone over my house. This is ridiculous. David, you really need to touch some grass. Oh, isn't that exactly what I am doing. I start cackling again. This is crazy and so much fun. But where is Ryo?

   I stop a few feet from the house and tentatively look around. He is nowhere to be seen. The French doors are wide open. It can be nothing else but a trap. Ryo said he would lock me out. I have no doubt he is fully capable of doing it. Why would he make it so easy for me to enter then? No, I am not going in and letting him fool me. He is planning something. I can bet on that. 

   What about the front door? Too risky. It is on the side of the street. There are many rose bushes and trees between the rough iron gate and the porch. Still, the possibility of a random passer-by spotting me can not be totally ruled out, however unlikely it may seem. Not to mention that it is locked and I do not have a key. Climbing on the windows without a stitch on is out of the question. Besides, they are also secured, so there is no point in trying. For the first time, I am beginning to regret turning the house into a fortress.

   What shall I do? It seems I am out of ideas. Sly boyfriend!

   Oh, my God! Ryo is my boyfriend. Awesome!

   "What is so funny? Are you coming in at last, or do you prefer to giggle in the middle of the lawn? Not that I don't like the view." Ryo's voice is full of tease. "I thought you were supposed to chase me, Ōkina Neko. If I were a mouse, you would be starving."

   "Cats are cautious and carefully plan their every move, especially when their prey is no less dangerous than they are themselves," I retort. "Maybe I am stalking you and will pounce when you least expect it."

   "Aha, now I understand. Alright, go on. I like to be stalked." He shades his eyes with a hand and smirks. "It's about to get even better in just a few seconds."

   "What do you mean?" If I suspected before that he was messing with me, now I couldn't be more certain. Ryo only gazes at me and gives me no answer. I challenge him, "What are you so pleased with?"

   "You are handsome," he says casually. "Who wouldn't be pleased at the sight of a hot, naked man?"

   "I am not..." Before I can say another word, the automatic sprinklers activate. I find myself in the middle of a bubbling fountain pouring ice-cold water onto my sun-warmed skin. 

   I scream in surprise. The shock of the sudden temperature difference and my deep primal fear of cold water send shivers through my body. I am ready to run away when two strong arms wrap around me, and Ryo's smooth body brings back the warmth in mine.

   "It's ok," he mumbles. "I am here. Sorry! I thought you were going to remember about the irrigation system timer. Are you alright? It's a bit shocking, isn't it?"

   "It's f-fine. I'm f-fine," I stutter, still shaking and fighting to take a breath. "But y-you are an ass."

   "I know." He laughs, rubbing circles on my back. The freezing water is still pouring over us, but it doesn't bother me that much. When he is hugging me, it is just not scary anymore. Ryo grips my hair and makes me raise my head to look at his face. "Angel, have you ever wanted to try that super dramatic kiss in the rain which is in almost every romcom?"

   His lips are gentle when he presses his mouth against mine. There is no rush and raging passion. We kiss slowly, prolonging the moment, letting our lips get to know each other and memorize every curve. Gradually, I stop shaking. Our bodies are relaxed. Their closeness feels like the most natural thing. Sun rays are playing among the droplets around us. They are sparkling in all the colors of the rainbow. It is almost surreal. 

   "Whoa, that was amazing." Ryo smiles when the sprinklers stop, and we pull apart. "Silly cat. I am so crazy about you."

   "I might be a silly cat, but you are definitely one cunning mouse." I pout in an attempt to hide the blush and my bated breath, evoked by his words. I have no defenses when he is nice and sweet.

   "A mouse has to be crafty to survive. Otherwise, it will easily become some big cat's dinner." He grabs my hand and drags me to the door. "Speaking about this, I think it's time for a little snack."


Photo by isitsharp from


Hello everyone at the end of chapter 75.

Thank you for reading and supporting ❤❤❤

A lighter chapter after the latest revelations. 

Do you think Ryo lured David among the sprinklers on purpose?

Which is your favorite / most hated romcom cliché - the kiss in the rain; running through the airport to chase the love interest; proposing on the stage during a public event or other?  

Share your thoughts, ask questions, and criticize, if you feel like.

And don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter.

Thank you! 💗

Love: Anny

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