Chapter 65. 緊縛美* (David)

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*Kinbaku-bi  - the beauty of tight binding (Japanese technique of bondage with rope, using simple and aesthetic knots and patterns) 

   (Present time)

   "I'll answer the door. It's the delivery man," Ryo shouts through the open French doors, leading to the back yard. 

   I shrug my shoulders and sprawl on the sofa, scratching my nape in confusion. What is he up to? Everything he did since we came inside was more than puzzling and highly suspicious. I was anxious at first that he would make me leave my shelter again, but then my worries dissipated. It became clear he had no such intentions. First, he had me show him around the whole house, including the closets and the garage. Then we took a quick shower, separately from each other, which I did not particularly like. I made sure my disapproval was clear to Ryo. He just sneered and shoved me out of the bathroom, 'Save your strength for later, Angel San. You'll need a lot of it.' 

   When I dried off and got dressed, he settled me in the living room and ordered me to rest because he had some work to do in the garage. I was not allowed to peek or ask about it. I can't imagine what that work could possibly be. It is just a completely empty, white-painted, spotlessly clean space with an exit to the garden. I have hired a property maintenance company. The workers come every couple of weeks with all the necessary equipment, do their job which is mainly landscaping, cleaning and different repairs. I don't even see them. They go when finished, strictly following the warning to leave no trace behind. I don't have a car, nor do I have any tools, old furniture, clothes or any other belongings to store, so I haven't set my foot there in several months. Why Ryo was so interested in that room is beyond me.

   "All done," he beams at me, leaning on the door frame. His dark, shiny hair is messy. He is covered in bits of chipped plaster and sweaty, but looks extremely proud of himself.

   "What were you doing in there?" I raise a brow. "Demolishing my garage?"

   "Nope," he shakes his head. "Just making some improvements."

   "And where on earth did you find a drill, a hammer and that thing with the weird scraping sound?" I don't give up. "You look like you've wrestled a bear."

   "You don't like it?" my boyfriend smirks, slowly rolling up the ruined shirt I lent him. His finger follows the outline of his abs and defiantly hooks the band of the borrowed shorts, pulling them down. "You better think again."

   "As if I'd touch you before you take another shower," I roll my eyes. Totally not true. Just a glance and I will be on my knees in front of him. I won't hesitate for a second. He doesn't have to know it, though. I am trying to be a little less pathetic with how whipped I am, so I wrinkle my nose and point to the stairs. "Go clean yourself and stop playing Bob the Builder."

   "There was a brand new tool box in the shed," Ryo informs me, heading to the bathroom. "Quite well stocked. One of those super expensive chests on steel wheels. It was still with the price tag on it. How can you not know what's in your own house? And the scraping thing is called a disc grinder."

   "Dad must have bought it," I mutter. "He still thinks that wielding screwdrivers and power tools is a sign of masculinity. Old school, you know. Having a dick is not enough for them."

   "Your dick is perfectly enough for me," Ryo laughs. "See you in a minute. Don't go anywhere."

   "You'll have a hard time getting rid of me," I wave him away, full of curiosity and feverish anticipation. A disc grinder? What the hell?

   I can barely sit still when he finally returns, looking gorgeous and smelling of pine tree and toothpaste.

   "Hey, baby," I instantly jump up. "What did the delivery boy bring? Can I see what you did in the garage now?"

   "Naughty cat," he smiles and holds out his hand to me. "So curious, but also very obedient. You deserve your surprise. Come on. I'll show you. Doryoku wa kanarazu mukuwa reru (Every effort will be rewarded)."

   We walk hand in hand to what I once thought was the most boring place in my home. Ryo ushers me in, but I dig my heels in the doorway, staring dumbfounded at the incredible change. My garage has magically turned into a beautiful, Japanese-style room. There is a greenish tatami mat in the middle, spreading its typical scent of fresh grass. The opposite wall is covered by a big, traditional, sakura tree canvas. What instantly captures my attention is a thick, metal rod, attached on both ends to chain hangers which are mounted on the ceiling. Scented candles in glass jars are burning, lined up on the floor along the walls. The room is filled with the delicate aroma of sour cherry, orange blossom and sandalwood.

   "Oh, my God!" I squeal. "You did all of this for me?"

   "I would like to say yes," Ryo smirks, "but it won't be entirely true. I did it for me as well. I'm going to show you one of my favorite things. I hope you like it too."

   He sits on the mat and beckons me with a finger. I follow him and lean my back on his chest. Ryo slides his palm under my chin and gently pulls my head back until it rests on his shoulder.

    "What is this?" I point at a luxurious, black, lacquered wood box with iridescent red and yellow koi carp drawing on the lid.

   "You need to relax," Ryo whispers in my ear. "Take deep breaths and exhale slowly until you feel completely calm. Don't think. Don't try to predict my actions or guess what is hidden in the box. You have to trust me, blindly, and be convinced that whatever happens, you're safe with me. Can you do it?"

   "Yes," I answer.

   "Good boy," he praises me, gently stroking my hair. "Do you know what kinbaku is?"

   "Yes," I nod. "Not in detail, but I have an idea."

   "Would you let me show you everything about it?" His hands move up my chest. He grips the front of my shirt. "Do you believe that I would never hurt you?"

   "I do," I confirm. My breading is slow and deep. My body is relaxed. I feel confident. My eyelids fall as I dive into the delightful sensation of being entirely devoted to the man next to me. I am not afraid or nervous. This is the place where I want to be.

   "Say the safe word," Ryo demands. "I will stop only when I hear it."

   "Yamero (Stop)," I pronounce clearly. 

   "Very good," he kisses my temple. "Ready?"

   "Yes," I firmly answer. 

   One sharp pull and my shirt is ripped open. I smile. His palms rest on my bare chest, pulling me closer to him.


Photo 29182678 / Man © Andrei Vishnyakov |


Hello everyone at the end of chapter 65.

Thank you for reading and supporting ❤❤❤

I think you know what follows, so I am not going to ask about the challenge😉

Do you think David will like it?

But what about the last rule? Did you guess what it will be?

Share your thoughts, ask questions and criticize, if you feel like.

And don't forget to vote, if you liked the chapter.

Thank you! 💗

Love: Anny

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