Chapter 8. In for The Kill (Ryo)

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   (Present time)

   I give Angel a moment to relax and gather his thoughts. The few sentences we exchanged were no doubt a little victory for him, but also tremendous effort. He does not socialize with people and carefully avoids them instead. It is not difficult to guess about it. There will be no silly jokes, no small talk and careless flirting. He is just not able do those things, but he also doesn't have to. There is no need for him to be funny, or seductive. His personality is too bright. The anxiety cannot hide it. It is enough to be in his presence to be instantly drawn to him. We might be like fire and ice, but it will be the most delightful melting.

   I go behind the bar and start slowly washing my hands on the small sink, waiting for him to see what I am doing. This will be another step towards gaining his full trust. I have already noticed that he is obsessed with cleanness and compulsively brushes away every invisible speck of dust from his clothes. He will never let me touch him, if he is not sure that I am nearly aseptic. I smirk. What a challenge! I am amazed at how anyone managed to convince him to come here at all.

   I take out two bottles of water from the fridge and two glasses and wipe them thoroughly with one of the snow-white napkins. Angel observes my movements silently while I place them on the coffee table and sit back in my seat, a little bit closer to him than before. Our knees almost touch. He notices it, but it doesn't seem to bother him.  

   "Where did you learn Japanese?" I ask.

   "At home." He smiles shyly. "I do everything at home. I rarely leave the house."

   "Why did you decide to study it?" I pour water into the glasses and offer him one.

   "Mmm, I am not sure how to answer this. I work in the IT field. The more languages I know, the better." He takes a sip and leaves the glass back on the table. "This is not the main reason, though. I have had this feeling since I was a child... I can't explain it... that I would need to talk to someone very important. I did not know what language I would need to do it, so..." He laughs nervously. "It sounds insane, right? It became something of a hobby over time."

   "How many languages did you learn to prepare for meeting this person?" I exclaim in awe.

   "Currently studying the sixteenth," he huffs. "I am not crazy, I promise... only a little."

   We both chuckle. His laughter hits me like a summer storm, vibrant, sweet, warm. Why does he always have to be so serious? I feel the sudden desire to ruffle his perfectly smoothed hair and tickle him, making him laugh more. 

   "Otocomae (Amazing man)," I mutter unconsciously.

   Angel's face brightens, adorned by another smile and a light blush. "Arigatou!" (Thank you!)

   We look at each other for a while. The initial tension is gone. He seems at ease. I am starting to like him more and more with each passing second. I shake my head. I should not give in to his charm, but I just can't take my eyes off him. I need to focus. My life is dedicated to a goal that does not allow random infatuations. I must always be ready for the moment I finally find...

   "Do you mind if ask you what you do for a living?" His hesitant voice interrupts my thoughts.

   "No, it's ok," I answer, a little startled by the effect he has on me. "I deal with transport security."

   "Oh, sounds interesting." I see that he wants to ask more questions, but decides against it. I am relieved. He does not deserve the vague answers I would have given him.

   Angel sips some water again. I decide that he must be ready for the next step. I think, he is the kind of person who will eventually give up, if left to muse on something and postpone it too long, but will most likely go for it, if asked directly. It is all or nothing. I always go for the kill without hesitation if the moment seems right.

   "Angel, it's time to make up your mind." I bring my face closer to his, taking in the delicate lavender, bergamot and pepper fragrance of Dior Sauvage. My favorite perfume as well. His eyes widen, but he does not pull back. 

   "What do you choose?" I whisper. "Friends or lovers?"  


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 What do you think David will choose? 😉

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