Chapter 44. Demons Are Faster (David)

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   [xxx - mature content warning]

   (Present time)

   I come out of the bathroom with well-brushed teeth and my hair, styled in its usual perfectly smoothed look. The grass stains on my suit are definitely bothering me, but I don't want to push my luck, so I am careful to show up at precisely the fifth minute as Ryo told me. I find him exactly where I left him, in the hallway, casually leaning on the wall, fully relaxed, smirking at me like someone who knows exactly what will follow, unlike his unfortunate victim.

   I stop a few steps away and look him straight in the eye. Ryo is a dangerous man no doubt, but there is something he doesn't know. I am not afraid of him. He likes me. If I used to be tormented by uncertainty and hesitation before, nothing can convince me otherwise now. He does not only like me, but also wants me, so much that he is ready to go through all the troubles that my condition can cause, just to be with me. He would never hurt me. He actually saved my life only an hour ago. Whatever kinky punishment he has devised, I will still feel completely safe with him.

   "A surge of bravery I see," he squints, unable to hide his amusement, "and no remorse whatsoever. Kare wa totemo hansamuna nekodesuga, itazura sukinamono ga sukidesu. (What a handsome cat, but he likes mischief too much.) Am not I right, Itazura Neko (Naughty Cat)?"

   He steps towards me and I instinctively step back.

   "Are you going to make me chase you?" he laughs out. "Hansamuna watashi ni chōsen shinaide kudasai (Don't challenge me, handsome). You have no idea how good I am at that."

   "What if I am," I retort defiantly and instantly take another step back. There is one more thing Ryo doesn't know. When I am home, I am not the nervous wreck he has seen so far. This is my stronghold. He is on my territory. I am at the top of my game here and the tables might just turn. I don't see him carrying any rope or handcuffs with him. There's no way he's tying me up this time.

   "I know exactly what you're thinking, lover boy," he grins wickedly and steps closer. I don't have much space left behind to retreat, so I start calculating how to jump aside and run to the living room. He licks his lips and almost whispers, "Do you know the difference between angels and demons, Otokomae?"

   I shake my head and take a sharp breath. Maybe, this game is not as harmless, as I thought. I am torn between uneasiness and arousal. He can be gentle and caring at one moment and become dark and threatening the next, but one thing never changes. He is always breathtaking. Ryo is a man with many faces and I've seen them all, or at least I hope so.

   "I'll tell you what it is," he hisses. "Demons are faster."

   The second I opt to cut and run, Ryo throws himself forward and grips the lapels of my jacket, swirling me around. It is slid down my shoulders, bending my arms behind my back. The sleeves are somehow tied before I can blink an eye, so that I cannot move an inch. What makes the hair on the back of my neck bristle is his boisterous laughter.

   "Silly cat," he snorts. "You were planning to flee, weren't you."

   "Let me go," I growl, furiously pulling my trapped hands.

   "I love it when you fight," Ryo chuckles, pressing his chest against my back and leans his chin on my shoulder. "I bet you do it on purpose because you like punishments too much. You know there's only one word that can stop me. Do you remember it?"

   "Yes," I mumble. His hot breath on the side of my neck makes it too difficult to focus. There is some movement behind me. The white T-shirt drops at my feet. I gasp, desperate to turn around.

   "Say it," Ryo commands.

   "Yamero! (Stop!)" I groan when his belt heavily flumps on the floor.

   He licks from the base of my neck up to my ear and purrs, "Good boy. You'll be as meek as a lamb when I'm finished with you." 

   The jeans are kicked away, followed by a pair of blood red Calvin Clein boxer briefs. He is naked. I am all hot and  bothered. I'd rather be mercilessly flogged with the belt than be denied the opportunity to look at him.

   "Can I turn around?" I whine.

   "When I ask you to do something," Ryo says, wrapping his arms around my torso and completely ignoring my pleads, "I expect you to carry out my orders with absolute accuracy. Is that clear, Angel."

   "Yes," I quickly answer. "I promise. I'll never try to cheat again. I'm so sorry. Can I see you now?"

   "No," Ryo firmly states. "It won't be that easy, Ōkina Neko (Big Cat). You'll have to work your tail off to get the prize this time. Soshite oboete oite kudasai, watashi wa anata o bassuru tame ni tejō o hitsuyō to shimasen. (And remember, I don't need handcuffs at all to punish you.)

   He grips the front of my vest and pulls abruptly, sending the buttons flying around. 

   "My favorite Valentino suit," I shriek.

   "I'll buy you a new one," he laughs out and does the same to my two thousand dollars dress shirt.

   "Savage," I gasp, although, I would gladly let him burn all my closet to ashes just to let me kiss him. 

   "I will release your hands if you don't move," Ryo mumbles before pressing his lips to my bare shoulder.

   "Oh, God!" I moan at the touch. "Yes, I won't... Oh, no! Please, don't do this. Ryo, please!"

   The soft, black scarf covers my eyes, carefully fastened around my head. The fabric is opaque. I see absolutely nothing. I am finally free from the trap of my own jacket, but it is of no use. I whimper at my helplessness. 

   "Turn around and undress," Ryo's voice comes from a distance.

   "Why are you doing this to me?" I grumble and slowly begin to take off my clothes.

   "Very good," Ryo praises me, completely ignoring my question, when I am finished and standing stark naked, frustrated, disoriented and semi hard in front of him. "Now, choose a number."


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Hello everyone at the end of chapter 44.

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David's little plan to win Ryo's game failed.

What do you think Ryo is up to?

Should we worry about Davy?

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Love: Anny

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