Chapter 57. Shy (David)

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   [xxx - mature content warning]

   (Present time)

   I start slowly, just the way I do it to myself. I like to tease my erect penis, barely touching, following the outlined veins, lightly rubbing the most sensitive spots, avoiding the glans to build up the tension. Watching the movements of my hand is not usually a part of the game. I am more focused on the sensations than on the view. But now it's different. It is not me who feels the touch and the sight is mesmerizing, so I am gazing shamelessly, trying to memorize every stunning detail. Ryo's cock is beautiful, a shade darker than the rest of his skin, very smooth and warm, a little curved upwards, with average length, but impressive, thick girth, heavy and delightful in my palm. It is slippery by the excessive amount of lube, luring me to stroke faster, but I am keeping my caresses lazy and gentle. I can tell he likes it too by the muffled groans, coming out of his chest.

   "Are you enjoying your new toy, Ōkina neko (Big cat)?" he laughs. "Watashi no neko wa totemo kawaikute yanchadesu (I own the cutest cat, but he is so naughty)."

   I bite my lip and only slide my hand rhythmically up and down, from the base of the shaft to the head. I would do it for hours, if my burning desire didn't urge me to long for more. 

   "Did you loose your ability to speak, Kitty Cat?" he chuckles. "Nice dick, huh? You look bewitched. Are you under its spell?"

   "I am," I mumble and run my thumb over the glans, unable to resist it anymore. 

   It is wet and velvety. I want to lick it so badly. It's unbearable to restrain, but I somehow manage to stop myself. My finger circles around the slit and rubs the rim until I reach the tight tissue, connecting the glans with the foreskin. Ryo hisses. His body visibly trembles. I love the way his thighs shake before he succeeds to gain his composure again. He leans on the wall, trapping me between his outstretched arms and thus preventing me from seeing everything as clear as I would like. I frown and squeeze harder.

   "Can I taste you?" I growl when the precum springs out and flows over my fingers.

   Ryo gasps, gripping my chin, as if to make sure I won't try it, and asks hoarsely, "Can you suck yourself off?"

   "I tried once," I mutter, avoiding his eyes. My face heats up, but I don't even consider the possibility to be insincere. "Almost broke my back."

   "Silly!" His amused, boisterous laughter makes me blush even more. "Then no. You are not allowed to put your mouth on me either. You can do only what you do when you're alone."

   "Fine," I pout and take his balls in my other hand, carefully feeling his tint with my middle finger. His grip tightens around my neck. His dark eyes are burning mine. He licks his lips and everything in me is blazing fire and scorching need, but I take a deep breath and stay calm. A barely noticeable voiding sensation and the softer area on the skin shows me that I have found the right spot, a little further bellow the shaft. I instantly press the pad of my finger on the overly sensitive patch of nerves and start circling around it, massaging his slightly swollen balls at the same time.

   "Fuck!" Ryo moans, fighting to keep his eyes open. "Yameta hō ga ī yodesu (You better stop)."

   "Nande? Dō shita no?(Why? What's wrong?)" I smirk. "Hazukashii no (Are you shy)?"

   "Of course not," he rolls his eyes, but quickly looses his air of haughtiness when I start stroking his shaft energetically, keeping my fingers firmly pressed on his prostate. I know that the sensation when touching it from the outside is not as intense as from the inside, but it's still strong enough to make you sweat and shudder. Another throaty moan escapes him. He grabs my wrists and bends my arms behind my back. His lips are so close that I try to capture them with mine, but Ryo tilts his head back, grumbling, "Not as shy as you at least, naughty boyfriend. However, the point is not for you to play with my... umm... assets."

   "Assets?" I snort. "I am crazy about all your assets. I thought they were already mine and you wanted to feel what I feel."

   "They are," he grunts. "I'm all yours. I've let no one go as far as you did."

   "Really?" I grin in surprise and satisfaction. So, I am special for him. He begs for me and lets me do things no one was allowed to do to him before. He is serious about this relationship, devoted. Despite my great joy and almost insufferable arousal, the curiosity prevails. "Why?"

   "Cats are too curious for their own good," Ryo sighs. "But I promised to be sincere, Angel San. I'll tell you. I've never lowered my guard for anyone. My walls have always been high and unapproachable. I preferred my lovers tied up and obedient until now, intimidated and even a little afraid. I was the one to say what was going to happen, the one to touch, the one to be begged... because I was protecting myself. I had to remain firm, ready... untouched."

   I am tempted to keep digging, to ask more questions, to learn everything, but this is not the right time. We only stare at each other and there is no need of words to understand what we feel. Two wandering ships that have finally reached their designated port. The storm is over. We can breathe now. We are safe.

   Ryo slowly drops on his knees and sits on his heels, never moving his burning gaze away from my face. He taps his shoulder, whispering, "Put your leg here."

   My eyes widen. I knew it. Oh, my God! I become a blushing mess in few seconds because I know exactly what he is going to ask.

   "Dō shita no(What's wrong)?" He smiles slyly. "Hazukashii no (Are you shy)?"

   "Of course not," I roll my eyes mimicking his previous response, but I'm visibly hesitant.

   "There's nothing I haven't already seen, Otokomae," he soothes me, "or kissed, or tasted."

   "Stop it," I mutter. "It's not the same."

   "No way." He slaps my butt and points to his shoulder again. "Be a good boy and don't make me repeat. Your leg. Right here."

   I finally oblige, pursing nervously my lips.

  "Let's see now what else you can do with those nimble fingers. Show me how you play when you're all alone at home." He cracks a broad smile and places a tender kiss on my knee. "Don't be shy."



Hello everyone at the end of chapter 57.

Thank you for reading and supporting ❤❤❤

I know it's sort if a cliffhanger again, but anticipation is a part of the game. 😂

Do you think after all that happened between Ryo and David, Ryo can still make him blush more?

Share your thoughts, ask questions and criticize, if you feel like.

And don't forget to vote, if you liked the chapter.

Thank you! 💗

Love: Anny

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