Chapter 71. Super Special (Ryo)

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   [xxx - mature content warning. Possible triggers - consensual breath-play. Do not do this unless with experienced and trusted partner. Always put your safety first.]

   "Five times?" Angel sounds a bit shocked. "Is that even possible in one session? Have you heard of the refractory period? Some men need a few minutes before the next round... and we are talking about two rounds, not five... but others might need several hours. I am not twenty, you know..."

   "Oh, please!" I roll my eyes and smack the gorgeous ass before me. "You're talking as if you don't want it. And how does age even matter? Admit that you are hornier than me and stop giving me anatomy lectures. Refractory period. What the fuck? I have no idea what this shit is. Who talks like that before having sex with his boyfriend?"

   "It's the period a men needs after ejaculation to be able to... "

  "Shut up before you ruin the mood," I groan.

  "What if I get played out at three?" he mutters. "You tied me up, remember? I'm also a little tired... I mean, I have the right to be anxious about my performance. I don't want to be a disappointment. You raise the bar higher and higher every time. What if this time I do not manage to live up to your expectations?"

  "This is not a competition," I cut him off. My fingers tighten around his neck, increasing the pressure on his Adam's apple. My Angel is doubting himself. I do not like it. Perhaps he is right. I am being too harsh and always push him too far. But I already know him and would never ask for something he is not capable of. He needs encouragement, so I firmly say, "I know you're tired, and yet I am more than sure you can do anything I ask for. Another word of hesitation, and I'll put a zero behind your five and whip your ass so good that you will never forget it. You'll have plenty of counting to do and won't like it, so don't challenge me. Enjoy the ride and stop freaking out. You, my lovely cat, are totally insatiable."

   "It is because I have a lot of catching up to do," Angel barely chokes out. "Ryo, you're squeezing hard. I can't breathe."

   "But you are calm, and you trust me," I hiss in his ear. He nods in confirmation. I can see his cock twitch in excitement. It is not so much about what we do with my Angel. I have already learned that what affects him the most are the emotions. He does not need to sense, but rather to feel. Intimacy is much more than the simple physical touch. He wants closeness, devotion, and honesty. When he gets them, nothing can stop him. I slide my palm up his inner thigh and let my hand rest close to his groin. His body trembles, but I have left him with almost no room to move. My lips brush his earlobe as I continue. "You are such a good boy, Ōkina Neko. I like it when you obey and let me be in control. However, the question is why. Why do you let me dominate?"

   "You are stronger," he rasps.

   "No! Wrong answer." I move my hand only an inch higher. My knuckles barely touch his taint. It is enough to evoke a muffled moan. "I will tell you the right one. It's because my power turns you on. You love it. You are inexperienced and need someone to lead you. Let me tell you what else is wrong. I am not stronger. You are just as strong as me. Do you remember when you asked me about my other lovers? I'll tell you about them."

   "Oh, my God! Ryo... I can't..." he wheezes.

   I ease the pressure over his throat so that he can take a big gulp of air and instantly tighten the hold again. My hand moves another inch up. My fingers settle in his butt crack, but I keep them still.

   "I have not fucked one and the same man twice in more than five years," I go on. "One date, arranged by the club. That was all they got. Each one was submissive. They were ready to do whatever I commanded. None of them would dare stick out their tongue at me. I would have whipped them if they did. No one dared to refuse when I offered them food, even if it was something they did not like. I was bad, Angel. I was really, really bad and they loved every minute of it. They would hang tied up for an hour and kneel down to thank me when I finally released them. No one learned my name. No one got more than one kiss for goodbye."

   "Fuck! Aaah... Oh, God! Oh, God!" My handsome tomcat yelps when I start stroking him from his hole, over the tight balls, along the entire length of his gorgeous erection. He is still crouching on all fours, but it is more difficult to maintain the position as his back is arched towards me, and his legs and arms are shaking. My caresses are slow. I pay thorough attention to every inch of warm, sensitive skin. I want the touch of my exploring fingers to be imprinted both on his flesh and in his mind. 

   "One more time," I warn him before loosening the grip around his neck for a few seconds. "Breathe in deeply. Don't be afraid. You are safe. You will always be safe with me."

   Angel obediently inhales as deeply as he can. His back arches even more as I turn his head to the side to kiss his lips. They are hot and responsive under my thirsty mouth. I suck and lick them until his tortured whimpers become louder. His surrender is driving me crazy. I have to gather all my determination to be able to play the game and be focused and careful. My hand gets slippery from the oozing pre-cum. I start stroking his cock in a quick, steady pace. He is ready.

   "Do you understand now, why I took your number and called you?" I keep talking in his ear. "You are nothing like my ex lovers. You challenge me and fight against me. You are not afraid to punch me when I deserve it. I admire you. You are strong. The only reason why I am on top is because that is how you want it. You know what? I have never done it before, but when you become confident enough to ask, I will let you fuck me. I think you will be amazing. Yeah, I will like it for sure."

   "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" he mewls. His whole body quivers and shakes in the powerful pulsations of the orgasm as he keeps shooting off in my hand. I release his neck. Angel sprawls on his stomach at my feet gasping for air. I lay on my side next to him and stroke his hair until his breathing comes to normal. He raises his head and squints at me. "You crazy bustard! I literally fainted for a moment. Are you trying to kill me? That was... Oh, my God!... mind-blowing..." 

   "That was one." I wink. "Wasn't hard at all, was it? Ready for two?"

   My boyfriend grins widely and scoots closer, pushing his leg between mine. "Sooo, I am super special, huh? I hope you won't forget everything you just said. I will remind you one day."

   "By all means." I brush away the wet hair from his forehead and smile. "I always stick to my word. You can count on that. How is your refractory period?"

   "Short," he answers.


Photo 29196389 © Pablo Hidalgo |


Hello everyone at the end of chapter 71.

Thank you for reading and supporting ❤❤❤

A little more information about Ryo's life in between the first and the second time he met David 😉

Do you think he was a really bad boy?

Will David gather the courage to ask Ryo to keep his promise one day and switch?

Share your thoughts, ask questions, and criticize, if you feel like.

And don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter.

Thank you! 💗

Love: Anny

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