Chapter 2. Personal Service (David)

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   (Two weeks earlier)

   I am dialing the number Sarah gave me.

   "It's absolutely discreet, legal and safe," she said, laughing. "This is my birthday present, Dave. I am sorry, but I am only the negotiator. You will have to pay the fee yourself. I can't afford it. It's only for people who are stinking rich, like you. It is almost impossible to get an invitation to join the club. My contribution is that I happen to have the necessary connections. They were actually very eager to have you."

   I trust her completely. It is safe, if she says so. Not that I intended to do anything with the small, luxurious card. I just left it on my desk. The golden letters sparkled on the black, shiny background. There were only two words on it, "Personal Service" and a number. I pretended it didn't exist for a week and observed it carefully for another, as if waiting for the inscription to fade away. It didn't. I finally decided to see what it was all about. Curiosity is a great incentive.

   "Good evening, Sir!" a pleasant, modulated, female voice immediately answers, before I have even heard the ringing tone. "My name is Lea. I am your personal assistant. We are happy to be at your service. How would you like me to call you?"

   I remain silent for few seconds, startled at the quick response. It seems my call was expected. I contemplate weather to go on or break the connection. There was something very warm and friendly in the way the woman spoke to me. It would be rude to hang up.

   "Angel," I answer, still unsure where this is going. I have no idea why I chose the name either. It was the first thing that popped up in my mind.

   "I am glad you decided to contact me, Angel," she instantly responds. "How do you feel?"

   I am even more puzzled by the question. "Mmm, I guess, I am fine. How are you?"

   "Very well, thank you! It is so nice of you to ask," she says. "Are you ready to talk about your needs?"

   "I am not sure," I wrinkle my nose. "What kind of needs are you referring to?"

   "Any possible kind," she chuckles lightly. "We are an elite organization which is capable of providing its members with absolutely everything they might require."

   "Well, I don't think I am a member," I retort. "Also, what if I ask for something very illegal and dangerous or totally impossible like... hmm... like to bring me an Amur Leopard for a pet, or help me rob a bank, or... I don't know... murder someone?"

   Her delightful laughter fills my ear. My lips stretch in a smile. She is definitely trained to talk to someone like me. I would have put an end to this conversation long ago, if her reactions were not perfect every time. She keeps quiet when I doubt and laughs when the tension must be eased. Her timbre changes in precisely the right way to keep me on the hook. I wouldn't be surprised if she has a degree in psychology. My curiosity only grows.

   "Lea, do you know my best friend, Sarah?" I try to catch her off guard.

   "Not personally," she answers smoothly, without taking any time to think, "but yes, I have talked to Miss Andino. Angel, you must know that receiving this number already means that you are our valued member. It is entirely your choice weather to use the advantages this membership gives you or not, of course. If you decide against it, you owe us no payment. I, on the other hand, will always be here any time you decide to request my assistance until you return the card."

   "I see," I mumble, admiring her self-control. I like people who know how to do their job.

   "I am not surprised that you know which the most endangered big cat species in the world is," she chuckles again. Well, she obviously knows it too. How smart! "Let me explain better, Angel. We are very selective when offering those cards. Therefore, we are sure that none of our members would request any of the services you mentioned, as well as any other, violating the law or harmful for third parties. We also offer a slightly different, let's say, more personal assistance. We work in the field of relations, more precisely, intimate relations."

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