Chapter 39. Not a Boy Anymore (David)

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   (Twelve Years Ago)

   "Oh, my Go-o-d!" Sarah is gazing at me, grinning widely. "Davyyy, did you see yourself in the mirror? YOU ARE HOOOT!"

   "Stop it!" I roll my eyes and flatten the lapels of my blue, Ralph Lauren blazer, although, this is probably the smoothest a piece of clothing can get. "Did you tell them no singing?"

   "Are you sure you're gay?" she squeals, paying no attention to my prominent frown and pinches my cheek hard. I shriek and glare at her. "Cause I'm totally ready to marry you and bear your five children. Look at you! Look at youuu..."

   "I'm too skinny," I grumble, "and this tie is ridiculous. Do you think mom will make a scene if I change it?"

   "Yes, definitely," she giggles, "but it would be nothing, compared to what will happen when you break the news. Also, don't mention the word skinny in my presence, if you please. I'd gladly give you half my weight in an instant if I could. The tie is perfect by the way. It complements your eyes."

   "You are perfectly cute," I return the gesture by pinching both her cheeks, smirking at her startled expression. "And yes, I am unfaltering about being gay, but I'll still marry you. Not so sure about the children, though."

   We cackle and head, hand in hand, down the stairs to the living room. I am trying to prepare mentally for the noisy congratulations and suffocating hugs at the hands of our parents, waiting for us there. They will surely make me embarrassed and uneasy. I'd rather avoid that part, but I know it's inevitable. Birthdays sometimes suck. 

   "Here's my handsome boy," mom screams the second I set a foot on the thick, faux fur carpet, covering the area between the sofa and the archway. She throws herself on my neck and, to my great horror, ruffles my hair, despite her knowing very well it's something I find most unpleasant. I close my eyes and start to count. She usually gives up before ten. It doesn't work this time. I guess, she's too excited, judging by her ceaseless, high-pitched chatter. "What am I saying? He's not a boy anymore. Eighteen! A stylish young man. Look, Dee! Isn't this tie gorgeous?"

   She pulls Sarah's mother by the wrist and pushes her towards me. The woman has no other choice, but to nod in agreement. "Yes, Jenn. David looks fantastic as always. We are all so proud of him. It's incredible how he managed to defend his Master's Degree in Informatics even before coming of age. Congratulations, honey! I've heard that this is not an easy task at all at The University of Zurich. Master of Science. What an accomplishment!" 

   Diana plasters two juicy kisses on my face and shakes energetically my hand which, at this point, is already sweaty and trembling.

   "Thank you!" I mutter. "It's only because I have plenty of time to study, unlike my peers who are too busy to date and party."

   "Don't worry, buddy," Sarah's father pats me on the back, so hard that I unwillingly take two steps forward. "You'll have all the girls you want in no time with your looks."

   "He's gay, daddy," my friend snorts.

   "Oh... ugh... yeah," the man flushes bright red. "Sorry! I know, of course... Men... Cough!... Boys... I mean boys."

   "Let Davy see his surprise cake," dad comes to the rescue, handing a handkerchief to my sniffling mother who is waving proudly my University Transcript under Diana's nose. "Your mom can't wait to see your reaction, son. I think, this time she surpassed herself with the choice."

    All four stand around the dining table which has been hidden behind their backs until now. Everyone is staring at me.

   "Holly shit!" Sarah gasps. "Is that a cake there?"

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