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Home > Glacier Fall [Doomsday Farming] > Chapter Table of Contents

Glaciers Fall [Doomsday Farming] Verse 47

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"As long as you release me, the gold and silver jewelry will be given to you, I have hidden a lot, only I can find it." Seeing that they were interested in jewelry, Zhao Shi felt that he still had hope to go out.

"Where do you say they got their gold and silver jewelry?"

"Then it is necessary to say that it must be robbing others, if our village is destroyed by them today, your family's gold and silver jewelry will not become theirs."

"So..." The man's words were full of loss, she thought that the gold and silver jewelry were all new, they were taken from the gold store, they turned out to be second-hand...

Of course, they know that jewelry is no longer valuable, and food is the most valuable, but it does not prevent them from thinking that jewelry looks good.

Everyone discussed and discussed, one by one said dry mouth, really said that Zhao Shizheng, then no one is willing, after all, the jewelry is gone, there is still a chance to change, life is gone.

As for the hope that after releasing Zhao Shizai, Zhao Shi will change his mind? Fools don't believe it.

Of course, there are people who have changed their hearts, but it is by no means Zhao Shizhen, it has been said on the radio that Zhao Shi often entered the game because of fights and injuries in the past, and now he is even more entangled in a group of people to commit big cases, it is really impossible to change his heart, and he doesn't need to change his mind, go with peace of mind.

"Bai Rui, they're back!"

Hearing this, Zhao, who had been saying it for hours, and his throat was about to smoke, really knew that he had no chance at all now.

He knows how serious his crime is, the kind that can't be relieved to shoot a hundred times, other people may just go to mine in the mine, they can't have this opportunity.

Broken jars broken, broken mouths and cursed, those who didn't know each other, all scolded, the villagers also scolded, full of filthy words, not only Fu Xiaoli quickly pulled Xiaomeng away, the other villagers did not look at the bustle here, went to welcome Bai Rui and them back.

Miao Hua is also waiting for Chen Yezu to come back at the entrance of the village, now the two of them are dependent on each other at home, alone at home, the home is empty and scary, she can easily think of her daughter.

The convoy stopped when it arrived at the gate, and a group of people came down from the car, and Chen Yezu was the last to come down, with a bulge in his arms, and he didn't know what to stuff.

"What's going on in your arms?" It's quite normal when they go out, is this buying something in a bomb shelter?

In the opinion of everyone, the construction of the bomb shelter should still be particularly good, there will be many good things that are not in the village, and it is possible to bring them back.

Chen Yezu quickly put his right index finger in front of his lips, signaling Miao Hua not to speak, after sitting in the car for such a long time, the child in his arms had long fallen into a deep sleep, and Chen Yezu did not want her to be woken up.

Obviously, it was useless to stop it afterwards, and Chen Yezu's arms made a sound.

Because the child slept, coupled with the large temperature difference between the inside and outside of the car, worried that the child would be cold, Chen Yezu directly put the child into the down jacket of his blouse and held it, anyway, his top is also loose, and it is more than enough to stuff a child.

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