Running hand signature

Start from the beginning

"Okay, my lawyer will present you with some documents this evening.

Please sign them asking no questions and please don't even accidentally show your intelligence.

After signing you have to hand it back to him in 10 seconds." He forewarned me.

"Ten seconds?"

I've known this man for a very long time, but today is the first time I've seen this version. I know that Harsh thinks too much for everything, but I did not know he was so skilled. In those 10 seconds, he knows fully that only signs may be completed, but I need to consider something.

What more is he going to do to me if he won't even let me read the papers?

"Riya, go take a nap now; I need to do some crucial work." He spoke while grabbing his phone.

I do not know what's going on in his head or what's going on all around me. I've blackmailed him and asked him out of rage and love. Despite my best efforts, he was unwilling to share anything with me.

Oh my God, I can't take it any longer. The anguish has caused my brain to explode. I currently only require a tier of black coffee props.

I slid into some comfortable clothing once I got to the hotel room.

My hotel room's door was knocked on shortly after that.

Harsh's lawyer was in front of me. He was holding a file, so he must gain my signature here. But as I sign unread documents, I have a strange feeling. He, though, has my promise.

I might determine which documents he got me to sign if I record the video while keeping my phone's camera on. Wow, Riya, you are really smart. This new, nasty notion that entered my thoughts was being praised by my subconscious.

"Ma'am, may I enter?"

I was talking in my head when the lawyer in front of me cut me off.

Why do I sometimes act so rudely?

"Yes, come inside."

To make room for the lawyer to enter, I moved from in front of the entrance.

"I need your signature, Madam." The lawyer remarked, handing me the file he had come with.

Riya, hurry. Here is your chance.

My phone's screen flashed with Harsh's message as soon as I considered activating my phone's camera.

"Riya, don't even consider doing this. You made a promise to me."

Oh, my God. Is there a camera hidden in my hotel room by him? I searched the area for the hidden camera.

Even in my dreams, I had never believed that Harsh could be so cunning.

I admire Rachit's ability to manipulate people with his words, but I did not know that Harsh also can read people's minds, besides his skill at captivating people with words.

Why am I not so good at judging people?

This is a quality I aspire to possess as well. I was currently experiencing some jealousy over Harsh's talent.

"Ma'am, please sign." Once again, the lawyer in front of me disturbed my inner thoughts.

The lawyer was seated in front of me, and as I observed his face, I could tell that he was growing increasingly irritated at seeing me continually lost in such thoughts. I can't, however, get rid of his annoyance.

Why has Harsh put me in this situation? I have never in my life signed a document before reading it, but if I don't sign these documents, Harsh will assume I don't trust him. Oh God, I remembered God again.

"Tell me where I should sign." I inquired while taking a big breath.

"Here." The lawyer opened the file in front of me. As soon as I raised my pen to sign the document. The lawyer instantly activated the stopwatch on his mobile device.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I puzzledly regarded him.

"Mr. Chopra has clearly instructed me you must sign this entire file within 10 seconds and take it back from you, failing which, he will fire me from my position." The lawyer gulped his saliva in response.


Harsh turned out to be entirely different from what I had imagined. I can't believe how much he has changed in the past four years. But what impressed me about him was that he was prepared for every situation like a professional business owner.

I'm sure I would have given him a firm kiss on the lips if he had been there this time.

"It's only eight seconds left, madam." In a firm voice, the lawyer said,

Oh no; I took the pen in my palm and signed with my running hand where the lawyer had requested me to.

The lawyer remarked, "Thank you, Madam," as he took the file away.

I could see a delighted expression on his face.

"You won't let me see this file, but there are still 2 seconds left." I inquired as I saw the stopwatch ticking on the phone in front of me.

"Sorry, ma'am. I cannot show you this file. Once more, I want to say thank you. " After saying this, the lawyer walked out of my room.

"Harsh, I hate you."

As soon as the attorney left, I called out to Harsh on video and yelled indignantly at him.

"I adore you as much as you hate me." He laughed and responded to my statements.

"Does that imply that you have no love for me at all? Because I don't hate you at all, as you well know."

"Oh, you should not have said 'hate you but love you' to me."

"Harsh, I would have given you... if you were standing before me right now." I said, clenching my fist in annoyance as I heard him tease me.

"So what will you do to me..?" Goosebumps formed all over my body as his intense sight flashed across my mobile device.

"Nothing; the darkness is enough. And I have to go to Wings Industries early the next morning to give Rachit my project-related documents." I answered in a hushed tone.

"Okay, Riya, good night." He responded, lost in thought.

"I love you." As I hung up the phone, I said,

Unfortunately, I have to deal with Rachit Khurana again tomorrow. I don't even want to look at that person's face, yet there is nothing else I can do.

I don't know if it was Rachit or my dream project, but I ended up having a pretty sound sleep after thinking about both of them.

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