Who changed my dress?

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"Riya's point of view,"

"You let me go." I tried to break away from his grip with my arms, but he was not willing to let go.

"What exactly are you doing?" I inquired, surprised by his response.

"Rest here while you wait for your fever to subside." He was on the verge of putting me on the bed.

"I can't stay here since I have to go to work." I was still attempting to free myself from his clutches.

"Why are you so obstinate?" With his gaze concentrated on my face, he said.

"I'd like to go to work." In a severe tone, I said I don't want to spend much time with him like this. It would not be appropriate for me to stay here since if his wife finds out that he is here with me in this manner, they will fight for no reason. But my body is in excruciating pain.

"I told you before that you wouldn't go until you were entirely healed. Do you have any idea what I'm talking about?" How do I convince him that staying in this place with him isn't suitable for me?

While attempting to sit on the bed, I added, "I have also informed you I will go to the office."

"If you want to go to the office, that's OK, but... ,"he added, staring at me.

"But what?" How could he pique my interest with such a half-truth? He knows fully that I cannot rest until I know everything.

"Nothing. You go to work." Why did he act so bossy?

"Are you telling me the whole truth or...," I'm growing irritated with him.

"No, I will reveal nothing." He remarked, his hands folded across his chest.

"As you wish, I'm heading to work." I cautiously got out of bed and began walking towards the room's entrance. Harsh would undoubtedly ask me to stop and explain to him what he had stopped saying at this point.

"Riya, hold on." That's exactly what I wanted. My tricks are still effective now.

"What happens now?" I inquired, irritatedly. Although I was extremely pleased with myself for utilizing this blackmailing tactic on him, I did not express it to my face.

"Are you going to work on just my shirt?" I looked down at the shirt I was wearing after listening to him. I completely forgot to ask about the shirt.

"Is this your shirt?" I inquired, my voice befuddled.

"Well, based on the fit of this shirt, it is not yours at all, but you can keep it and tell everybody that it belongs to your boyfriend if they ask. Your boyfriend has given you a gift." I remembered wearing his t-shirt and wandering around the house after listening to him. I don't want to take off his shirt, but I don't have the right to do so now.

"Please wait. I just got dressed and came in." I muttered quietly, averting my gaze from Harsh.

"Why?" He turned around and questioned me after listening to me.

"What exactly do you mean by 'why'? How am I supposed to go out in these clothes?" After hearing his mocking questions, I'm becoming irritated.

"You are not going anywhere, and you must stop your drama right now, or I will not sell my land to you."

"What exactly did you say?" How can you threaten me like this to get my point across? I couldn't believe Harsh could threaten me with such a trivial matter.

"Have you forgotten that in love and battle, everything is fair?" If he keeps reminding me of what has occurred to him today, I will become more emotional and tell him everything I feel for him.

"What happened to my clothes?" I listened to him and pretended that what he said didn't affect me, but it did. Everything about him makes an effect on me.

"In the bathroom, hanging,"He said, pouting.

Oh no, how could I have forgotten to ask such an important question? My subconscious is furious with me for neglecting to ask such a critical inquiry.

"Last night, who changed my clothes?' Instead of heading for the bathroom, I turned to face Harsh, who was standing in front of me.

"Is there anyone else in this house besides me and you?" He shrugged his shoulders in response.

"It implies that you changed my clothes the night before." I had the impression that after listening to me and seeing his face; he wanted to tell me that this was a question of common sense.

"Shameless! How could you do that?" For me, this situation was becoming rather humiliating.

"Why? Why am I unable to change your clothes?" He inquired as he moved closer to me.

"How can you be so arrogant? How can you look at a girl's body without her consent?"

"So, according to you, I should have asked for your permission before changing your wet clothes."

"Yes, without a doubt."

"In your unconscious state, how can I get your permission?"

"Whatever it was, changing my clothes didn't help you."

"Stop your nonsense. You're acting as if I've never seen you without clothing before." Is he making fun of me?

"I'm not interested in speaking with you." I couldn't decide whether to be upset with Harsh or thank him for taking such good care of me.

"By the way, Riya, I have to admit that you have grown in beauty. Your body curves are in better form than they have ever been." He approached my ear and whispered.

"Stop with the nonsense." Goosebumps rose on my body as I heard his words.

"What's the matter, and why are you blushing?" Oh my god, he noticed my expression.

"Why are you flirting with me, Harsh?" He attempts to disguise the cheeky smile on his face at all times, but no matter how hard he tries, I can tell what is going on in his head even now by glancing at his facial expressions.

"Why can't I have a single attractive female like you to flirt with?" He inquired, closing the gap between us. With my eyes bowed,

I said, "I am not single; I have a boyfriend."

"You know that if you lie to me, you will always be found out, but you keep lying to me." He had approached me extremely closely. The rate of my heartbeat rose.

"What are your intentions?" My thoughts stopped working totally as I got so close to him.

"What am I hoping to achieve? Please tell me why you've been taking sleeping pills for the past month." I could see the anger in his eyes.

"How did you know" It surprised me when I looked at him?

"What I want is a straight answer, so please don't deviate from the issue."

Oh no, now I have to respond to him?

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