I can do it.

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"Riya's point of view,"

"Riya, when are you going to meet the land's caretaker?" My team manager approached me in my office and inquired.

"I'm not interested in meeting the caretaker; instead, I'd like to meet the landowner." I replied, my gaze concentrated on the document.

"However, his caretaker has stated that he will not provide any information regarding the land's owner."

"You should delegate all of that to me and focus on the remaining tasks." I was still reading my document.

"But, Riya, how are you going to find out who owns that land?" His voice sounded uncertain.

"You will be my boss if I tell you everything." I slammed my file shut and placed it on the table, yelling angrily.

"Sorry, Riya, I was simply curious." He replied in a terrified tone.

"Never interrogate me again. I have not delegated this authority to anyone. Have you grasped what I'm saying?"

"Riya, I'm sorry."

"Never make another mistake like this." I gave him one final warning and ordered him to leave my cabin. He bolted out of my cabin, quivering with terror.

"Riya, why are you so enraged right now?" Rachit inquired as he entered my office. This guy is getting on my nerves. Even after all of this, this man still have guts to flirt with me. As you can see, this man enters my cabin without my consent and uses various excuses.

"Please tell me if you need my help with anything." I inquired, my voice firm.

"No, Can't I visit my future wife in her cabin." This obnoxious behavior from him simply contributed to my rage.

"Before I hit your cheek yet another time, you must leave my cabin."

"Okay, I'm leaving, but I wanted to ask you if I might accompany you to see the landowner."

"Why?" I inquired, my voice angry.

"I am saying this to you because I do not believe you will meet the owner of that land and purchase it without my help." Hearing his pompous voice, I felt compelled to throw him to the ground.

"Hum... So you believe I should seek your help?" I inquired as I moved closer to him.

"Yes, of course," he responded, his face lit up with a devilish grin.

"So you believe I won't be able to deal with the landowner on my own?"

"Without a doubt," when he saw my approach, he became quite thrilled.

"Rachit, I think you should finish your work early today so that..,"

"Because my work for today is practically done, we can leave now if you wish." He cut me off without even listening to me.

There is no way this man's arrogance can be described as decreasing.

"Well done. You finished your work early; now you can relax and go to the doctor for your therapy." I took a step forward and said, looking him in the eyes.

"Treatment by a doctor, but for what?" He asked, surprised at me.

"Of your faulty reasoning and insanity." I exclaimed angrily.

"Riya, why are you speaking to me in this manner?"

"A professional doctor is needed because you are seriously ill. And if you ever doubt my ability to be my girl again, I won't hesitate to dismiss you from this project." I walked out of the cabin, picking up my purse from the table.

Rachit's antics are driving me insane. My ears have had enough of his nonsense. I've explained everything to him, but my words aren't getting through to him.

One, the weather in this area is currently unpredictable. This unusually heavy rain and lightning made driving difficult for me. But today I left the office determined to meet the landowner after I finished everything else. After all, Rachit had no right to call me weak. Harsh has always seen my abilities as comparable to his, but Rachit believes that because I am a girl, I am incapable of handling this situation alone.

After all, what's the difference between attraction and love? I think I've figured it out now.

The address was far from Gurgaon, and the sky had darkened early because of inclement weather. However, I have clarified that I will meet with the landowner at any cost. My car came to a complete stop on a deserted road.

What the hell happened?

What else can I do but stand around like a lunatic on a desolate road and get soaked in the rain?

No way, I will not back down. I need to visit that owner. I locked the car and got out on foot, leaving the car there. I'll be at the caretaker's address in 2 hours if I keep walking at this pace. On my phone, there was no trace of a network.

I was having trouble walking because of my high heels. Whatever happens today, I will not give up. Otherwise, Rachit's statement that I need him will be proven correct. I pulled off my heels and walked with me in my hand. A lonely girl and a deserted road with thunderstorms. What if someone appeared out of nowhere and caught me?

Yes, why not? I can't even contact anyone for help. Can't I stand up for myself? I'm not even carrying pepper spray. Yes, you're speaking as if you're a naïve person. It enraged my subconscious that I was listening to my dumb thoughts.

Sorry, I know how to protect myself, and now you're happy.

Oh my. A stone stung my foot on the road. When I saw the blood running from my feet, I had the notion that I should stop and beg for help, but I couldn't go back halfway like this; I had to do something and keep. How can I let Rachit's point of view be so simply proven?

You can do it, Riya. Although my leg hurt, my subconscious insisted on continuing. With a limp leg, I continued walking. I discovered I had traveled more than half the distance after walking for almost an hour. I was being given courage just a little distance away.

However, only 10 minutes from the address given by the caretaker, my courage frayed. My body was trembling badly from getting soaked in the continual rain, and I couldn't walk because of the leg agony. Still, I tried to walk bravely, but in the dark, I couldn't see the stone in front of me, and I stumbled and fell on the road. My knees were injured.

I thought today that even God had joined Rachit's team. You can give me more problems, but I will not give up today at any cost. I know fully that the more difficult the first step is, the more difficult it is to accomplish the last step towards the target. I summoned my confidence once more and arrived at the caretaker's address.

As I rang his doorbell, my body had entirely stopped working, and blackness descended in front of my eyes even before the door could open.

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